p90x questions



  • BlackBeltLife
    BlackBeltLife Posts: 180
    I was able to get thru phase 2 before life happened. Lost a ton (about 23lbs) of weight and although I didn't like yoga was seeing results in flexibility
  • NYIceQueen
    NYIceQueen Posts: 1,423
    Hi! I'm new here....but thought I'd add my 2 cents.

    Got P90X for my husband, but he wasn't using it, and I hate letting money go to waste, so I just started it this week. I've had to modify it because of injuries/health issues, but the guy encourages that. He's funny, and very good in showing modifications, and encouraging you to modify it so you work out instead of injure yourself. I have to be careful because on top of old injuries I've got lupus and RA among other things.

    I just started Monday and weighed in this am and already down a pound. And that's WITHOUT following a very strict diet. I just cut out the cokes and switched to Sun Crystals for my coffee. Will start the heavier dieting later on. Very sore but in a good way. Just wish there was a p90x database here to track our workouts.

    Overall, I enjoy it greatly -- he's fun!

    Hope that helps.
  • BlackBeltLife
    BlackBeltLife Posts: 180

    Is the pull up bar required? I saw a poster said she uses a band with a hook in the ceiling... Is there any way to work this program without that?

    I was recommended P90x by my doctor, but he warned me about pull ups and injury. He instructed me (and this was for me not everyone) to use some type of machine to simulate. I have a bowflex and that seem to do the trick. Tony (the trainer) is big on pullups, so the program will require some sort of adjustment to them (bands, pull up bar, bowflex (yeah thats the expensive option unless you already have it)). All in all pull ups are incorporated into this program . Just a thought
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,753 Member
    If you want to use bands instead of a pull-up bar, one option is to buy the upgrade kit from Beachbody for $9.95. It works with the bands to simulate pull-ups:
