How do I stop being a stress eater?

One of my Biggest problems is that I am a stress eater. If I have a hard day at work, I know I end up going out to lunch and eating unhealthy. If I have a stressful day or a fight with my wife, I know I am in the pantry looking for something to chow down on as soon as possible.
The problem is is that food is what makes me happy. Food calms me down and releases the serotonin in my brain that make me feel better.
I need a better solution.

I am new to MFP. Just joined, I could use support and new friends on here to keep me on the right track.


  • I'm in the same boat. People say to try and get some exercise in...might relieve some of the stress.
  • chercee
    chercee Posts: 120 Member
    I used to be a stress eater - I guess I still "am" a stress eater, but I work very hard not to give in.

    What is it about eating that you find relaxing? Is it a particular flavour or texture that you reach for?

    For me, I discovered it was the physical chewing act that relieved the stress, less than the actual eating. Initally I swapped stress foods for stress gum - it worked, though my jaws have never recovered lol

    These days, I have mostly replaced my stress gum-chewing with deep breaths and meditation. It wasn't easy, but it was an important change.

    Try to figure out what aspect of eating helps you relax, and see what you can replace it with. It may be a healthier food (if you like the crunch of chips, you might like the crunch of carrot sticks) or maybe you will find a new activity. For all things related to stress, I recommend deep breathing and focusing inwards.

    Good luck!
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    This isn't really the complete answer, but you have to realize that food in the long run is definitely not making you happy. It also isn't literally resolving the stressful issues in your life. So, looking at this logically, start working on eliminating some of the extremely stressful situations you deal with, or even mild ones if they're easier to tackle. I don't know what your line of work is, and I know the job market sucks, but sometimes just planning your escape route works wonders on your ability to manage stress.

    It's all in your head, though, so use your head (not your emotions) to start to figure out some solutions for yourself. It's not going to be easy, but you can do it. Good luck to you!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I'm a stress eater too. My most favorite thing to do is curl up in the corner of the couch with munchies and a good book, hence the reason I'm 50lbs over weight. I'm going to try yoga, maybe some deep meditation and some reiki. I'm "life stressed" not "something huge just happened and I can't deal with it" stress. I also enjoy walking, bonding with nature when i can (now that winter is almost over).
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I use two things. The first you already have, which is the conciousness of the issue. The second is diversion. For me, when I get stressed I will either take walks or find some other simple distraction. You can also grab a piece of mint gum, which for some reason always kills my urge to eat.

    Just find things to distract yourself.

  • I quit my job ... not an option for everyone ... Actually, I retired. That's when I got started with MFP; making a firm decision to change. Keeping up with what you eat is the first thing and committing to try your best to stay under your goal calorie count. Distraction is next. I still have stressors in my life and when I'm tempted (usually in the evening), I get on MFP and communicate with others who are going through the same thing that I am. Hello! Next, when I feel I really NEED something, I don't go for the Ben & Jerry's like a used to ... I eat a Light & Fit Greek Yogurt and if I'm really needy, I crumble half a graham cracker on top. Big splurge ... right? ALL THE BEST!
  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523 Member
    I'm a stress eater. I've replaced my options with low cal snacks throughout the day and exercising 3 times a week. That way I tend to not go to the vending machine so often.