A fruit and protein shake day. Good idea or not?

Usually I eat approximately a lb worth of meat and 300 grams of fat free cottage cheese and that constitutes the majority of my calorie intake (I currently am eating approximately 1200 calories).

Would having a day where I have an extra protein shake and eat only fruits and vegetables for the rest of it be a good idea?

I do work out in gym daily so I understand that I need the protein (hence the extra shake).

Advice appreciated.


  • jsgiven
    jsgiven Posts: 4 Member
    I drink the GNC lean 25 protien shake twice a day with some fruit thrown in. I eat 1 meal and 2 light snacks and will build up to 2 meals a day and 1 shake after 14 days. I eat approx 1200 calories a day and work out daily. I have lost 8 lbs so far doing this. You can buy them at Sam's Club for 1/2 off what GNC sells them for. Keep going !
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    Why would you want to restrict that much? Eat what fits into your calorie goals and fitness goals.
  • NavyMommy
    NavyMommy Posts: 102 Member
    I just saw your other post saying you're male and about 240lbs. IIWY I would up my calories seriously!! Search for the thread called In Place of a Road Map and start there. I am a woman at 180lbs and I eat 1500 calories a day (honestly still probably not enough but the doctor insisted I work with a nutritionist for a month before he updates my thyroid labs and this is what she has me on).

    I would also add fruits and veggies into all my days, there are lots of vitamins and things in there (including fiber) and not many calories. 2 cups of romaine lettuce has only 16 calories. Even if you go a bit over your 1200 goal (if you research it and decide to stay there) no one ever got fat from eating to much lettuce and spinach.

    It's not an all or nothing proposition, you need to get your body accustomed to eating some things from every category. That way, when you're where you want to be you have a healthy eating plan for life.
  • cherilyn666
    cherilyn666 Posts: 50 Member
    I feel that exercise calculator overestimated my expenditure and food calculator underestimated the intake.

    I might be paranoid, but I feel like they really do.

    For example, it seems silly that gardening would eat up more calories per hour than strength training and weightlifting...