Need a community that supports my weight loss goals.

Hi everyone. I've been using myfitnesspal on and off for about three years. I used it to help me lose 50 lbs in the beginning when I was considered obese (according to the BMI chart). I was about 170 lbs and I am 5 ft tall. I got down to 120 lbs by eating healthier and exercising a lot (90 minutes per day - 20 min cardio + 45 min weights + 20 min more cardio). Then. I had a baby.

My weight shot up 60 lbs! I lost 20 lbs with the baby. I lost another 20 lbs doing Fitness Evolved 2012 on XBOX 360, and now I am trying to lose another 30-35 lbs. However, I have to take my child to the gym day care and work out by myself during the day because of how our family has to operate. (Fiance works from dawn til dusk, needs sleep, child is overly energetic and won't sleep before midnight). This is hard for me because I have always hated going to the gym during the day. I used to go to the gym at night (pre-baby) because there were less people and I could use the machines and take my time to make sure I was using them correctly. I didn't even need a personal trainer. Now, I'm desperate for some help to get down to my goal weight and can't afford a personal trainer either. Any help/motivation you can give me would be great. I got a used bodybugg from a friend, so I am hoping that helps me in burning more calories. Is there anything else you all would recommend? Healthy snacks/alternatives? What helped you lose weight? What machines did you feel were most effective (if you used them)? What other recommendations might you have for someone like me? Thanks.