Why are the weekends so hard.

I hvae recently increased my exercise program. I am now exercising 5 nights a week (Sun-Thur) for an hour and half each night. I do cardio and weight training. The eliptical has really helped with endurance and burning the calories. I still have 90lbs to go before hitting my goal weight. It seems that during the week the weight loss is easier, but on the weekends it packs back on. This happens even with watching my calories and walking 2 miles a day. This is very frustrating and almost discouraging. Are there any ideas out there to help on the weeksends without going to the gym 7 days a week?


  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    You may be exercising too much.....and are you getting enough calories? When I started eating my exercise calories I started losing, You dont want your body to get in starvation mode, and you need the extra fuel. Are you drinking lots of water and watching your sodium? how much protein are you eating? Lots to factor in, but sounds like you are doing great just keep doing it!
  • hunta
    hunta Posts: 5 Member
    Weekends are the hardest for me to, only thing I can say is keep your goals in minds. Before you eat anything bad ask yourself is it worth messing up everything that you work for during the week.
  • veggieheadie
    Weekends are hard for me too. I know one thing that has helped a ton is I give myself a binge meal to look forward to every Saturday. That way when I have family get togethers I can use that to help with busy weekends. I know a lot of people cringe when they hear "binge meal" but this advice came from a weight counsler. When I started this, I started losing more consistently and it because a lot easier to handle the weekend munchies. The weekends didn't seem so scary.
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Weekends are hard for me too. I know one thing that has helped a ton is I give myself a binge meal to look forward to every Saturday. That way when I have family get togethers I can use that to help with busy weekends. I know a lot of people cringe when they hear "binge meal" but this advice came from a weight counsler. When I started this, I started losing more consistently and it because a lot easier to handle the weekend munchies. The weekends didn't seem so scary.

    I agree...allowing yourself one cheat meal per week is not a bad idea....Gives you something to look forward to and aids in you not overindulging too much

    I treat myself to a ice cream cone every Sunday

    Weekends were harder for me prior to using MFP.....since I started using MFP and saw the damage I did to my calories on the weekends....it made it easier for me to be good.....plus I have something to look forward to on Sundays

  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    Just a thought, but do you track your sodium?? If you weekend cals are good, you might just be going high on sodium and retaining water.