How do I get enough confidence to go runnning?



  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Go out and do it. You'll have a lot more confidence next time.
  • lisali2011
    lisali2011 Posts: 6 Member
    Just get out and do it.

    The only people that will be looking will be other runners thinking, "damn, I'm jealous, I wish I was running too." Seriously.

    Haha true! Whenever I see a runner I get jealous I'm not running.

    I was heavy when I started running outdoors (230lbs) and yeah it was daunting but the other posters are right. You just need to get out the door, don't worry what anyone else thinks. Good luck!
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    I see in your pic you wear glasses. take em off and go for it!

    When I workout I don't wear my glasses, I can't really see.

    I mean, I can see well enough; I don't run into things or anything, but if I look at someone, I can't really see their face.

    SO I end up in my own little world. Put on some headphone and blast some tunes and just chug along.

    I bet peeps who see you will be more like, "damn, i wish I could run." I hear people of ALL SIZES say that all the time.

    I used to be really embarassed when my workmates would see me running outside at lunc (our old office was on the harbor that has a path) anyway. I worked with a bunch of hot guys. Damn I was so self-concious. But they run too so they were like, "awesome! you run!" and one guy even started running with me even though I was way slower than him.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    well you could get some whiskey into you, for liquid courage,,,,
    just giddy up and go.
  • lauraellie10
    lauraellie10 Posts: 273 Member
    im about to start week 3 of the couch to 5k app!
    i never thought id start jogging..... its taken me since january to start it and feel so good about myself for doing so....

    Honestly like others have said just go for it... listen to ur favourite music and Gooooooo!

    Good luck xxx
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    i was right there with you when i started... i ran with a friend but she would often take off and leave me in the dusk... i made sure to wear clothes i was comfortable with, i picked a couple routes that i got used to running and often would see the same people out and about... just know that in 3 months when you're running you'll be that much more confident...
  • jim9097
    jim9097 Posts: 341 Member
    Most people who would think bad thoughts of you out there running are those who really should be out there with you! So just remember you are taking the steps needed to improve yourself, go out there and enjoy yourself. Don't worry about what others think; the only thing that matters is what you think.

    Now go get some!
  • jorasims
    jorasims Posts: 75 Member
    I'm starting C25K tonight at the gym and think about this too but heck I am going for it!
  • shirerose
    shirerose Posts: 116 Member
    everyone basically said what i have to say! but i'm gonna say it anyway. :) i'm just nearing the end of the couch to 5k program. when i first started, i would get out of breath so quickly! it seemed like i would never get to the point of being able to run for long periods of time. but i'm telling you, it totally works. every week you will notice changes in your endurance and breathing and everything. some tips: if you have a larger bust... find a good bra that keeps them locked down, find pants/shorts/capris that will stay in place... because it's so annoying having to pull them up all the time while running, listen to music... it helps the time pass way quicker, pace yourself! you don't have to go fast... start slower and build up your speed whenever it feels right... then slow it down again whenever you need to.
    and yes, what everyone said, nobody is looking at you thinking bad things. the people who do notice you are people who know how hard it is to get out there and get fit. they are mentally high fiving you! they are cheering you on! trust me, it's soooo worth it. :) i didn't ever think i'd get to where i am... and i still have a ways to go until i'm where i wanna be! it gets addicting though. you'll be sitting there one day and you will just WANT to run.
  • iLoveMyAR15
    iLoveMyAR15 Posts: 122 Member
    I started off at the track behind my local high school. In the mornings there is nobody there so you can do your own thing!
  • Melissa11412
    Melissa11412 Posts: 145 Member
    I can't help you build your confidence. I can just tell you to get out there and do it.

    I am a very beginner at running (week 2 in C25K) and I huff and puff like crazy and my face gets blood red every time I do it.... but I still do it.

    I was always given 2 pieces of advice: It doesn't matter how slowly you go, as long as you go. And no matter how slow you are, you are still lapping the people on the couch.

    I run on a popular exercise trail here in Houston (Memorial Park)
    Whenever I see someone newer than me or someone who is struggling I always think "yayyyy....keep going"'s extremely motivating to see people busting through their uncomfortable-ness (is that a word LOL)
  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    I agree with all the comments already given. When I first started I did feel very self conscious, in my head I thought I must look ridiculous plod, plod, plodding along but now I run much lighter (30lbs lighter). I was also going to suggest you check out if there's a running track nearby where you live. Be brave, get out there and jog.
  • ClarissaMarie94
    ClarissaMarie94 Posts: 20 Member
    Wow, I didn't expect this many supporters! But thank you so much everyone! It really helped me out. I think I am definitely going to try the couch to 5k idea. Running 30 seconds then walking then running sounds doable for me! (:
  • meghan6867
    meghan6867 Posts: 388 Member
    Wow, I didn't expect this many supporters! But thank you so much everyone! It really helped me out. I think I am definitely going to try the couch to 5k idea. Running 30 seconds then walking then running sounds doable for me! (:

    C25K is great! LOVE, love, LOVE it!

    I did it last year : lost 50 lbs and now I'm running my first half in just a few weeks. It's a wonderful program!
  • clareiow
    clareiow Posts: 53 Member
    How about seeing if there are any running groups in your area? Where I live we have Parkrun, three running clubs and a free running group which goes to the pub afterwards. Running in a group is great motivation as the running family are close-knit and keen to help any newbies!

    I have a Nike picture on my phone (can't post here tho) and it says

    "If no-one thinks you can...then you have to"

    Defy the odds Hun, prove all those naysayers wrong, have faith in your body to do what it's ALWAYS been able to do, and discover the joy. Running has changed my life, don't wait a minute longer! X
  • famousmel
    famousmel Posts: 149 Member
    Someone just posted this in the C25K group and it is EXACTLY how I feel and what you should know...
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    I kind of hate the attention (any attention that is) when I'm out running. So, I go extremely early when there is no one out during the weekdays and on weekends, I'll hit the local trail.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    Yes, I felt the same way when I started jogging. I wear long sleeve, large tops, pull my hair back and put on some beefy sunglasses. I'm probably hard to recognize that way!

    And trust me, people will admire you - or anyone - for running.
  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    I hate running on the street too. I find it better to go to the elementary school across from my house in the evening and run around the field instead. I take my dog and let her run beside me off leash when no one is there. I used to do interval training to get into it.

    This^^^ was actually how I got started, not too good on running in the neighborhood, but at the kids school or a nearby park with headphones is all good!
  • CongoClark81
    CongoClark81 Posts: 95 Member
    I feel Exactly the same way! Luckily we have wooded Running/Walking Trails around where I live so Im gonna have to give those a shot.