Strong Lift 5x5 - what else do you do guys?

I have started the Strong Lift 5x5 program (basically 3 x a week, alternating workplan 1 and 2). Every other day I do the Insanity program. When at the gym, i throw in some running on the treadmill, and probably will start again MTBing as the weather is getting better.
What do you do in addition to SL 5x5?
Just want to compare with other people's workout, and see I am doing the right thing


  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    If I have time, i do HIITs after weight lifting. 3 or 5 minute warm up, at least 5 alternating minutes of 8mph+, and 3mph to cool down in between my sprints.

    I also walk my dog throughout the week, 10-30 minute walks, and hike on the weekends when I have time.
  • leahartmann
    leahartmann Posts: 415
    Just started StrongLifts last week. I do my 5x5, use the stationary bike like 20 minx3 times a week and walk about an hour every day. Not much, I know, but it´s a start.
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    I try and get in at least 3 cardio workouts throughout the week.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    When I was doing SL, I was doing cardio on the off days... running, biking, swimming, basketball...
  • jc1961AA
    jc1961AA Posts: 283 Member
    Thanks guys, keep them coming.
    From those posts, it seems that I am doing the right thing.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Thanks guys, keep them coming.
    From those posts, it seems that I am doing the right thing.

    There is no right thing... at least no singular right thing.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    I also do cardio on my off days with 1 complete rest day
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    I do cardio only twice a week, 50 minutes on either treadmill or exercise bike (I like the bike so I can read and not lose my mind iwht boredom). On lifting days, I do 30 minutes of exercise bike, stretching, then lifting.

    I usually take the weekends off simply because of family scheduling.
  • craigrobertford
    I love the 5x5. I have been doing it consistently for a while. I'm not terribly concerned with maxing out as I lift by myself with supports on the sides but my max on the major lifts has never been higher. I am not adding 5 lbs to my squat every workout like some people do because I'm also trying to drop about 30 lbs in addition to lifting. At this point, any strength I gain in the 5x5 is icing on the cake, while I'm trying to lose the weight. As soon as I get down to my goal, lifting will be the primary focus but I've got around 30 lbs to lose before I want to focus on any of that.....

    I am adding 5 lbs to the squat every OTHER workout so I'll do - for example - Workout A - 265, Workout B - 265, Workout A - 270, Workout B - 270, and so on. Before, I noticed that when I added 5 lbs on every workout, my legs got stronger a little quicker than some of the other muscles and because I'm also on a calorie deficit, my back and shoulders weren't quite where I wanted them to be. The more I did this, the more my form suffered to make up for a lack in the shoulders, arms, and back.

    The first time I lift the "next level" weight (bump up to 270 or what have you), my legs can lift the weight, but my back, arms, and shoulders are a little behind. Doing the same weight for the next workout helps. The human body is the most advanced adaptable organic entity in the solar system and so whatever you do to it - lift the same weight over and over again - it will learn how to do it. Typically, the second time I lift the same weight, it's a little easier and that gives my shoulders, arms, and back, time to catch up. Plus, you reinforce the importance of form in the neurological pathways in your brain. Thats never a bad thing.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    I don't do Stronglifts myself. I do a standard 3-day split weights routine, with 20-30 minutes of cardio every day. Works great for me.