Late night eating...



  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Just a side note: You want to be as kind to your body as possible, and this means eating naturally. I'm sure you're sick of hearing this, but anything augmented to have less sugars and fats, are chemicals. You may lose weight, and be lighter but you won't be any healthier than eating a tub of haagen dazs. Just as much overload on the body in one way or another, choose your battle. Knowing what I know...I'd choose the haagen dazs and limit it. I encourage you to research it, but understand why people wouldn't care. I didn't for years. Anyway, here's a link if you're curious. By the way, corn is toxic in the US.

    You should consider dose and context before trying to alarm someone about the evils of "chemicals".

    In moderation there's nothing wrong with Skinny-Cow ice cream, or corn for that matter.
  • tinypastels
    tinypastels Posts: 32 Member
    I know plenty about the dangers of chemicals from corn. I know because I've had to. You know gluten intolerance? and how it came out of "nowhere"? Same story here, but this kept under wraps for our government's economy. Such chemicals are not bad in low doses, but we all get low doses as it is, so when we add more we are getting too much. Why are americans who seem to eat healthy still become obese? I know it seems innocent in this context, but I just try and suggest people to just research it... the original poster obviously has really positive intentions and I'm so glad we don't cut out the sweets :)
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    If u eat past 7 pm you will automatically store everything as fat. there is no way around this.
  • rnickels13
    rnickels13 Posts: 1 Member
    I do the same thing. If I've been good all day with my food choice and activity then ill have a little indulgence. It's helped in the long run because I haven't lost motivation.
  • NicoleS228
    NicoleS228 Posts: 17 Member
    If u eat past 7 pm you will automatically store everything as fat. there is no way around this.

    Well, I was feeling better about it until I saw this post. :) But there is some amazing advice here and I really appreciate it, especially from Side Steel. You really gave me some great links and I'm going to check them out. I am very new to MFP and I've been worried that I'm eating too few calories. I don't yet understand all the rules but I will check out the links you guys have provided. Thanks so much everyone for taking the time to help!!
  • mistesh
    mistesh Posts: 243 Member
    "Staying up and eating late is a very recent phenomenon in human history."

    Can You Eat Late And Still Lose Weight?
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Just a side note: You want to be as kind to your body as possible, and this means eating naturally. I'm sure you're sick of hearing this, but anything augmented to have less sugars and fats, are chemicals. You may lose weight, and be lighter but you won't be any healthier than eating a tub of haagen dazs. Just as much overload on the body in one way or another, choose your battle. Knowing what I know...I'd choose the haagen dazs and limit it. I encourage you to research it, but understand why people wouldn't care. I didn't for years. Anyway, here's a link if you're curious. By the way, corn is toxic in the US.

    Our bodies are also not meant to take medication (like taking life saving antibiotics when septic, insulin injections for diabetics, chemo for cancer patients) or have surgery to correct heart problems, or to replace damaged/failing organs, etc. 

    I'm sticking with my awesome artificial stuff. Scientists are smart and I've never gotten sick from eating processed/artificially made food. The earth produces tons of different toxic plants. That being said, I still eat some of the non toxic foods created by the earth. I just also eat artificial sweeteners, preservatives, etc. 

    There is no benefit to cutting out processed foods. IIFYM then eat it.
  • PosterPens
    PosterPens Posts: 172 Member
    i eat a weight watchers ice cream EVERY DAY for a snack. without it id die. dont deprive yourself, you can eat them if its within your calorie goal. itll also lessen the craving to eat the whole house when you restrict yourself so much.

    go for it! and enjoy it!