Walking for Good and for Fitness!

dsaidydaffeh Posts: 5 Member
edited January 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I am Doing two 5k walks this year. I am going to walk in the Central Ohio Diabetes Association's 2013 Family Fun Walk/Run on April 27th. To help me with my goal of $250 please go to my donor page (http://diabetesohio.donordrive.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.participant&participantID=2549)

And Participating with the company I work for *Thirty One Gifts* for the Susan G. Komen for the Cure on May 18th. My goal is to get $100 raised for this event. If you would like to support me in this event please go to my donation page (http://columbus.info-komen.org/site/TR/RacefortheCure/CLM_ColumbusAffiliate?px=14183449&pg=personal&fr_id=2945)
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