
I stumbled upon MFP a few days ago looking for a calorie counter and found a wonderful website and here I am now letting you see the progression in time of the 110 pound loss I have had... if you scroll through my pictures you'll see me starting at 8 months prior to my surgery (lapband) in 2008 I weighed 290 pounds, when I went in for the surgery I weighed in at 310, depression had set in and I didn't want to live anymore. Although I have a beautiful family as you can see, a month after my surgery I had already lost 20 pounds, 2 years after my surgery I lost 60, 3 years I had lost 70, and 4 years 80 and here I am now 110 pounds lighter and much happier and healthier. I didn't realize how much I had lost until I went back through and looked at myself.
I'm Melissa by the way and I'm looking for friends feel free to friend me, I'm looking for the fitness portion of MFP, I have the diet portion down somewhat I'm getting "clean" so fitness and cleaning myself up is a work in progress and this girl needs the support of hopefully this site can give and make new friends along the way.
