
So here's my deal: I'm proud of my significant life change and have made some rad steps forward towards improving my life by improving my health. I'm still officially in the "over weight" category and would really like to keep the ball rolling while my head is still in it and get into solid shape and even get lean.
My stats are as such: I'm 6-1, about 210 and holding. I would consider my job above average in movement (I teach music and conducting is a lot more cardiovascular than you might think...) I run between 6 and 9 miles a week pushing a toddler in a stroller and have put a good deal of emphasis on body weight exercises in the past few months. I do (my version) of pullups/ chin ups, deep squats, push-ups, double unders, and resistance band shoulder presses.
I'm eating as clean as I've ever eaten and rarely stray from 6 meals/ snacks a day to end up at about 2700 calories a day.
Knowing all of this and that I perscribe to the work smarter, not harder edict and that i'm not about to dump my calories down too significantly, what are your thoughts about dropping another 20 pounds at between .5 and 1lb a week?
Am I right to think that maybe I'm pushing too hard to need to take it easy and possibly gain a few pounds back to convince my body that I'm not starving?

What do you think?
