


  • dore0021
    dore0021 Posts: 137
    A few of you on here might know this has been an issue for me and that I have created forum topics about my under-eating. I know you all think it is the worst possible thing to do on a diet. However, I recently went to see my GP about my dizzy spells; I told her that sometimes I ate 500 calories a day and that, if I'm honest, I very very rarely exceed 1000. My GP was so nice about it; the only negative thing she said was that my blood sugar might be low and she asked me if I am eating things from all the food groups- I told her yes but I try to limit fats and carbs (I said I eat carbs more through fruit and veg than pastas rice etc). She told me I am doing so well, commended my weight-loss and said NOTHING about starvation mode, under-eating- zilch (except the blood sugar thing). She was absolutely thrilled about my progress- I hadn't seen her since I began my diet and she insisted on weighing me so she could update my medical file.

    Whilst I understand the concerns and appreciate the help and advice that everybody gave me on my forum topics, this made me feel so much better about how I am dietting. I think as long as you are getting a variety of nutrients, vitamins etc, it's fine! Maybe you'll gain weight when you re-increase calories when you hit your target weight, but that can be dealt with.

    Also, I'd just like to comically point out that there is a man in India who claims he has not eaten for 70 years- perhaps calorie counting is not all it's cracked up to be afterall! xxx

    Saying this as gently as possible, most doctors don't have much training in nutrition and a second opinion from a nutritionist or dietitian, who focuses their entire career on proper eating plans, would probably be more suited to state whether or not eating between 500 - 800 calories a day is appropriate and healthy. Sure, your doctor may see that you've lost a significant amount of weight now, but what about long term effects?

    You already know from my previous posts to you that I say this out of concern and not criticism. And that goes for everyone. I used to think to myself I couldn't eat less than 1200 calories a day, then I realized that the side effects of being lightheaded, fatigued, irritable, etc. simply weren't worth it. Now I can't imagine eating less because I feel like absolute crap if my net is too low.

    I have to agree. GP's dont' have that type of specialized training. It is import to see a dietician if you have questions regarding your food intake and plan on consistantly staying below 1000cal/day.
  • oliveoil7979
    oliveoil7979 Posts: 112
    I am definatley one of the people you are speaking to. I don't go out of my way to be under, but I am going to admit that I am usually way under my calorie goal.

    I have found my eating routine that has worked for the last few months. My slimfast shake for breakfast and lunch. Mid-morning and mid afternnon snack. (usually a greek yogurt or cheese and crackers) and then a lite dinner that my husband cooks.

    I really never paid attention to how low my calories were, I just made sure they were under. Under is good right? But then one day my huband comented on how few calories I was eating a day even with my hard workouts. But I told him that when I workout I will eat a cliff bar or something to account for the burned calories...he said he wasn't convinced.

    When I stopped and looked at it I realized I eat somewhere between 900-1300 calories a day. I can't believe I am admitting this, but sometimes, I only eat half a meal and log the entire thing so it looks like I have more calories.

    I don't feel starved, or even hungry most of the time, but I know it's just as unheathy as the binge eating I used to do. I think what it really comes down to is that I am really afraid. I don't want to go back to where I was 6 months ago, and I am scared of giving into food.

    And when I find a new food that I think is healthy, I find 20 other people who tell me what's wrong with it. I know it's just about finding a balance and what works for me, but for someone who has battled weight and food for most of her life, it can be quite challenging. My addiction is food, I can't just stop eating the way an acholic stops drinking, so in that way it is really challenging and scarey.

    I feel crazy admiting all this. But I know that I just need to re-learn how to eat. I am not sure how to start. Maybe replace one of my shakes with an actual meal? I'm not sure, but thanks for the post. I promise I will try.
  • ashleyolivia
    ashleyolivia Posts: 41 Member
    hi! i'm new to mfp, and i'm kind of confused. are you saying not to go below 1200 cals total or 1200 net cals? i've been trying to eat about 1400 calories every day, but i do also try to excercise and according to mfp my net calories are around 1000 each day. should i be eating more?
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member

    I have to agree. GP's dont' have that type of specialized training. It is import to see a dietician if you have questions regarding your food intake and plan on consistantly staying below 1000cal/day.

    Agreed! My mother's GP advised her that there's no difference between brown or white rice; a carb is carb! DOH!
  • xLissyx
    xLissyx Posts: 30 Member
    Uhhh..i'm so one of these people & i hate being one! Very ironic as i've just posted a topic about this "too many calories"
    Any advice welome :smile: x
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Often I am under, but just as often, I meet my goals - I don't sweat it too much, but as LITTLESPY pointed out, I'm totally irritated by people ^5'ing me when I'm under. They are NOT getting the point at all.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I have been sick for the past 2 days with the stomach bug. I found it interesting to note the my food journal is calculating my weight loss to be less in 5 weeks eating so far under my calories then when I stay at my goal. If I eat right I should be down13 pounds but if I continue to eat like this, which I won't, I will only be down 9 pounds. Something to think about for all those who are constantly below their calorie goal. It just isn't healthy for the long run and believe me, as a nurse for 30 years, healthy rocks. I hope everyone goes for that and not just the thrill of getting in a tiny bathing suit.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    it's completely valid to be concerned

    also, a lot of people who do low carb do not realize how badly their brain - big emphasis on the brain here - needs glucose to function. So does the rest of your body. It's main source of fuel and without it, your body starts eating away at muscles, etc. Loss of concentration, confusion, fatigue are also experienced.

    people need to be careful and i agree with your post
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    While I am certainly no expert, I have spent the majority of my life involved in sports/fitness & maintaining "fairly" healthy eating habits. The biggest shock I had coming to this website was how few calories so many people ate. It blew my mind.

    I agree! I was a 1200-er for a couple months and then hit a hard plateau and lost ZERO for 6 weeks. I sought the advice of a personal trainer who put me on an 1800 calorie diet...and I've lost 14 more pounds! Depriving myself for that long was not healthy. And yes I'm eating well now with 4-5 servings of fruits and veggies a day and complex carbs and manage to get my calories. The whole "I just eat really well now and can't eat 1200" doesn't make sense to me.

    I think MFP, as great as it is, is partially to blame. Other sites tell me My bmr is 1400. P90x tells me to eat 1800 calories, but if I set my goal as such then MFP tells me I won't lose any weight, which makes me doubt myself. Nevermind that we get no credit for strength workouts.

    I have been under eating as well because I have been eating some filling foods like raw veggies and it takes work and planning to meet my calorie goals while not taking in too much sugar or junk. In fact I have started trying to use MFP as a meal planner so I can get enough calories. Beachbody programs are unforgiving if you skip the calories! I had to cheat my way through Insanity cause I just couldn't keep up. Thank god for trader joes organic peanut butter! :tongue:

    As a doc I can testify that we get all of 2-3 lectures on nutrition, most of it is on nutritional deficiencies, and we don't know squat about weight loss and healthy diet unless we learned it on the side like everyone else. Sad but true. :frown:
  • somigliana
    somigliana Posts: 314 Member
    Nevermind that we get no credit for strength workouts.

    I know it's a little counterintuitive, but if you go to cardiovascular under exercise and search for "strength training", it will give you a strength training exercise entry with calorie credit :smile:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I think MFP, as great as it is, is partially to blame. Other sites tell me My bmr is 1400. P90x tells me to eat 1800 calories, but if I set my goal as such then MFP tells me I won't lose any weight, which makes me doubt myself. Nevermind that we get no credit for strength workouts.

    If you set your activity level to very high and set your goal to 1800, you wont get this problem. And then you wont have to bother with adding in exercise calories.
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    hi! i'm new to mfp, and i'm kind of confused. are you saying not to go below 1200 cals total or 1200 net cals? i've been trying to eat about 1400 calories every day, but i do also try to excercise and according to mfp my net calories are around 1000 each day. should i be eating more?

    Yes. because your body needs 1200 to function properly. So if you eat 1400 and work off 400 it still leaves you 200 short for the day. Shouldn't be tough to get there. 200 cals is very easy to make up in your day.
  • NYIceQueen
    NYIceQueen Posts: 1,423
    Nevermind that we get no credit for strength workouts.

    I know it's a little counterintuitive, but if you go to cardiovascular under exercise and search for "strength training", it will give you a strength training exercise entry with calorie credit :smile:

    OMG thank you!!!!:love: I've been one of the ones looking for that!