Binging on crisps - admitting I have a problem and need help

So I've been on MFP for just over a year and lost 14lbs in that time. I actually lost 21lbs at one point, but recently got married...and a bit too comfortable, fell off the MFP wagon for a couple of months but I am back.

I'm posting because I have a problem, it's been going on a few years, and I need to admit it to someone. I have told my husband about it, but it's frankly too shameful and embarrasing to admit to other people.

When I am alone all I think about it crisps. I can sit and eat 6 packets of crisps in one go mindlessly. I don't know why I do it, which is the issue here. It's not like I'm depressed or anything, I just get an intense craving which does not quit, and I go and get the crisps and will sit and munch my way through, as if I am in a trance! I will then hide the evidence in the bin and pretend it didn't happen and continue to eat normally through the day.

Please, has anyone got advice on how to stop this behaviour? It's frankly ridiculous, and I need to learn self control I know, but I need help.


  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    Just don't buy the crisps so you won't have the temptation in your house, and don't let your hubby buy them for you either. Only allow you to have them on your cheat day - Sunday - and then don't have them at other times.

    That is how I busted my chocolate addiction to a point. I still have some most days, but a much much smaller amount so it's much less harmful to my progress + my health.

    If they aren't there, you can't eat them.
  • NadiaSAKloof
    NadiaSAKloof Posts: 19 Member
    Hi there. I do not have an answer for you, but you are definitely not alone with this and well done for admitting that you have a problem, and more importantly, that you want to STOP! I am similar with chocolate. I will really enjoy it to begin with, but I will finish the slab/box regardless. I will eat until I feel ill and once that feeling passes, I will continue. I do suffer from depression, but I think it is partly due to my weight.

    I call myself an "all or nothing" eater when it comes to chocolate, so now that I have decided to lose this weight, I do not buy any at all. I have a few chocolate flavoured protein bars in the cupboard, but that is it regarding "snacks".

    Do you find that the craving lessens if you go a few days without crisps? Make sure you eat before going shopping and try not to buy any. If they are in the house, you will eat them!

    I would be interested to see other replies on this topic. Good luck! x
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Yep - the key thing is don't buy them - ever!
    If you really need to eat some buy only one small pack ( this is my approach)

    Crisps is one of my weaknesses as well, so I just never buy it.....
  • Marquism123
    Marquism123 Posts: 152 Member
    Bumping as I too feel out of control with my eating. WIth me it is chocolate. I never keep it in the house but it is during the day I struggle when at work. There is a machine in the office and a shop next door, so it is always easy to get it. Before I am finished one bar I am already thinking "I want more". It is almost a panicked feeling. I need to get it under control because I have an otherwise healthy diet but I am losing no weight. AM even contemplating leaving my money and cards at home so I can't buy any but it seems so extreme. What if I need to buy something else?! Is slightly crazy
  • coppercat25
    coppercat25 Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks guys. I think the best solution is to just stop buying them and go cold turkey haha :-) I have tried 'healthy' alternatives, but find myself wanting to scoff them all too!

    The craving doesn't lessen if I don't eat them for a few days unfortunately, so defo the best solution is then avoid them altogether. So simple, why didn't I think of it myself?!
  • Linkdapink
    Linkdapink Posts: 128 Member
    I was the same with chocolate - I would literally be driving home from working thinking "I need chocolate" and go and buy 3 chocolate bars and eat them all before the OH came home and hide the wrappers in my underwear drawer and take them out to the bin later! Later on, OH might even say "do you want some chocolate" and I would get a full bag, or at least a chocolate bar!

    I figured I had to just stop. I gave up chocolate for a week - and my cravings lessened. In that time I got my OH to fill up my car, do the shopping - EVERYTHING. I just knew I couldn't see chocolate and not eat it. It was hard. I mean REALLY hard. Then I kept going for another week, then another.

    Then I started eating chocolate again. I find now I can have 5 mini eggs and leave it. Then maybe a bit more later on - nothing like the huge bags and three bars I was eating.

    So maybe you need to do that. Completely detox yourself. It will be hard! I gave in twice, but I felt like I had failed myself so stopped. Then you'll get to the point where you can have a packet and stop!
  • SamHodges
    SamHodges Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Sis!

    I know that crisp is a massive weakness for me so I just never ever buy them.

    One packet is never enough to satisfy me so I use to eat 2 or 3 bags or just buy big ones. Eating one packet made me want more.

    I've totally avoided buying crisps since I moved in with Daniel because it stopped me even thinking about going to the cupboard to get some and it totally stopped what I thought could easily turn in to an addiction. Plus my cravings for them now are never strong enough to get in my car and drive to the shop to get some.

    It's good you have admitted it and no one judges. It's easy to eat a load and then push it to the back of your mind and be in denial about what you have consumed.

    If you do have another one of these episodes log it, I don't think anyone will judge but they will be more supportive and a visually seeing what you have consumed will make you feel awful but will help you to stop rather then hiding it.

    And eating before you do a shop is definitely key! Even if its internet food shopping you will but less rubbish.
  • janehen12
    janehen12 Posts: 162 Member
    is it the salty or the crunchy you crave more??
    are there certain brands you can't go anywhere near or is it all of them (mine are pringles..which mock me cos my hands too fat for the tube.)
    have you tried salted popcorn? m&s do multipacks of cheese and salted, so if you still want them they could be a good alternative?