I need exercise guidance

So I'm on week 3 of exercising.
1st week I worked out 5 days a week(M-f on my lunch) just on the treadmill, elliptical and stair climber higher kicker I don't know what the machine is called machine.

The 2nd week was much the same but 4 days cuss I was sick, that week I got off the machines some and worked the ab section and some machines in the 30 min. workout section(planet fitness) plus as well did some treadmill, elliptical and stair kick my *kitten* machine.
Now on these machines I try and go a great pace but really am more bored w/ what I'm doing then anything. Plus I feel nothing, I have this notion that for me to loose a little weight I need to be in pain. LOL
Am I wrong?
So what I need physically is to loose a few lbs but to tone up my thighs, arms and belly, ok maybe my butt too.
My question is should I continue to do let's say 20 minutes of work out on any of the machines, then go and finish my workout w/ the abs and weight machines like hip abduction(for the thighs) or any of the machines w/ the weights.
Or should I focus on getting a few lbs off, or rather noticing a slim down. I know that while I am working out I am bound to gain some muscle mass there for may not see LBS drop on the scale.

Oh by the way I only can go to the gym on my lunch hour at work, so at max I really only have about 35 minutes each day.
My goal is to wear my favorite bikini by labor day so I think it's possible but of course would love to wear it sooner too.
My eating habits have improved, b/c I am working out at lunch I bring either left over's or a turkey & Cheese sandwich, I do splurge on a cup of coffee in the morning but drink water through out the day. I usually have 1 glass of sweet tea (it's nc of course i got to have this) w/ my dinner.
Take out is maybe once a week. as well as trying to eat more fruits as snacks.
So I know I am doing better then previously.

I don't need to loose a lot of weight but I want it gone for good this time. Maybe max 15lbs but possible less if I turn it into muscle.
I need direction please.


  • heebiejeebie
    heebiejeebie Posts: 32 Member
    Can you only exercise at lunchtime? I find running outdoors before or after work much better than on a treadmill. There's more challenge and the scenery is better. :smile:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Working out will help you tone up and get in shape, so once you lose the weight, you won't be flabby or "skinny fat", so definitely keep exercising! :happy: You shouldn't necessarily be in pain... but you should be feeling a little out of breath, feel like you're working hard. Try going a little harder or crank up the incline or resistance on the elliptical so you really feel it. Or, aim for more calories per minute - go your normal pace and see how many cals per min that is...then try to burn a little more and see if that makes a difference in how you feel. That should push you. :happy:

    The weight machines are good...ask someone at the gym to show you how to do them with correct form so you don't injure yourself... and tell them what you're looking to do with the machines. Tone up, burn fat, whatever, and ask how many reps they'd suggest.

    The treadmill can be great exercise in little time. Walk and then see how long you can run, go back to walking to calm your heart rate, but before it gets to where you're really comfortable, run again.
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    How about adding some weight lifting into your routine? Ask a trainer at your gym to show you some basic movements with the dumbbells and yes, even the barbells. Using these as tools, you can do a few compound movements that hit your total body and be out of the gym in 30 minutes max. Check out stumptuous.com to get some exercise instructions and ideas, too.
  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    Great ideas. I have the same issue at lunch and capitalizing on the timeframe I have to really kick it. I work in an office setting and have implemented some excercise while at my desk at work. I drink a ton of water and each time I need to use the ladies room, I know its time to do some of those excercises. I know it sounds corny, but its working for me, cant hurt right?
  • pniana
    pniana Posts: 254 Member
    I agree with the weight lifting. Very important but for your cardio, load your iPod with some really up-beat, fast-paced music and listen to that while you work out. It will help with the boredom and will help you pick up the pace. Watching TV while working out will slow you down.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I would go 3x/week on the stepper/treadmill/etc, keeping up the intensity since you are short on time. Alternate enough so you don't get bored.
    2x/week with a good, basic circuit lifting routine. It will add strength while also keeping your heart rate up. A trainer should be able to point you in the right direction or there are likely many on the net to look up.