A night bartending--- do you think it is a fun job?

StrongAndHealthyMommy Posts: 1,255 Member
Must people say that being a bartender is a really fun job and good money...

how hard could it be???? make some drink.. talk to people... flirt with the opposite sex, so your tip will be higher... usually you make good friendship with the regular... and on top of that!!! you get paid for it!!!!!!! how amazing is that right????

Friday 04-12-2013 night....I get my make up and hair ready.... look at the mirror and I tell myself: you look pretty hot girl.... ready to make that money!!!! I work in a sport bar-restaurant.... so there are A LOT OF RULES..... way to many I would say....

Once I get to work I say hi to may other bartender and the guy I'm going to train.... (awesome!!! we don't have to tip the new person because he is training... all the money will be for the other bartender and mostly for me... SCORE!!!)

The previous bartender leaves and an hour later I found a tap that he didn't close for 2 beers..... call him and he says that it is one of my bartenders' costumer tap..... and she says that it is the previous bartender's tap..... I'm tired of finding out whose tab it is and I say **** it.... it's only 8 dollars......

Night goes by and the guy I'm training get piss off at one of the servers.... (Unfortunately were I work sometimes I gotta be a ***** to the server because they want to do stuffs against the store rules and if I do it.. it will cost me my job).... So I had to teach him that.... After few minutes he got over it and everything was fine again!!!

Since I was training the new one, my other bartender was on charge of the bar-top.... a lot of people needs help on the bar-top.... no good.... but whatever.... I help her out while I'm making drinks for the whole bar and train..... finally... everything slow down.... and I take a 20 minutes break and I tell them... If you guys need me please let me know so I comeback fast...... they didn't say anything at all.... and when I comeback, they say that they got super busy.... I asked... why you didn't tell me? and they said: I don't know!!!.... while I'm making the some drinks... the manager is just looking straight up at me and the bar.... I ask him: what happen??? you are making me nervous... what is wrong??? well.... they lost this giant drink order for a table outside... I ask the server for a ticket with the time and the order.. and they were waiting for 18 mins..... Of course I had to make the whole ticket in 2 minutes..... finally, It's for her (the other bartender) time to leave..... and when I see the computer I find 3 tabs open..... $82 total.... without a credit card... and nobody sitting there..... yeah.... they walk-out..... I tell my manager and he says: that sucks, you guys gotta pay for it! (right before I leave on vacation???? I need money for my trip.... no for freaking walkouts!!!) I call her and she is careless.... she says: whatever... they are friends with one of our regulars... so we will probably get the money back....

By this time.... I'm in a really bad mood.... and I still have another 4 hours to go

this guy and his parents... are drinking and having a great time..... after $130 in beers... the father of the guy tries to pick up fights with me... and he gives me .05 cents and say..... thanks... that will take care of it.... and I say you better come up with more than that.... and he tried to pick up fights.... his son says.... no worries..... let him leave.. let him leave.... I say ok good.... it got to the point that we thought that they wanted to walkout..... after 15mins.... the son gives me $200 and he wants no change back.... AWESOME!!!! that made my night.....

I'm cleaning my bar with a smile.... and this bottle of vanilla porter exploited in the refrigerator.... and got the wholeeeee thing disgusting... I had to throw away all the juices.... all the mixers, syrups, and at least 40 other bottles of beer got all gross..... ok... time to clean that disaster...........

Bar is clean!!! it's time to go home.... I get my big coach purse that my husband gave me 4 months ago... and BOOOMBB...... my purse's handle broke!!!

I had to scream.... I was so frustrated.......

Sorry guys.... I had to express myself and my husband is sleeping.....

So next time you think that bartending is a fun job, think it twice.... It is not THAT fun!

Good night!!!!! and CHEERS!!!!!


  • StrongAndHealthyMommy
    StrongAndHealthyMommy Posts: 1,255 Member
    Holy Sh**** that was long.... I'm sorry
  • theycallyoumister
    theycallyoumister Posts: 222 Member
    My daughter wants a part time job like that. She wants a bit more $ while studying at university :smile:
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    10 years working at and managing pubs while going to uni, the last 4 years on the graveyard shift. No one who has ever done it for more than a week or so says it's always fun. Drunks, abuse, walk outs, vomit, poop, fights, hold ups...

    not sorry to be out of it now, though I miss the social life.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    I loved working in a pub, if it paid better I'd still be doing - but I suspect that its a bit different in England. I also worked in more of a local pub and a student bar.
  • StrongAndHealthyMommy
    StrongAndHealthyMommy Posts: 1,255 Member
    While I go to college it is a great job. Not a life thing though
  • Mantha18
    Mantha18 Posts: 25 Member
    defo think its different in the uk
    ive worked in a pub for nearly 2 years - not always fun, but defo never like you've described! also i only get minimum wage (though i think its considerably higher over here) and no tips, so no flirting lol

    i really enjoy it, even the busiest, craziest christmas eve, new years eve, st patricks day kinda shift - and my pub gets BUSY!
  • StrongAndHealthyMommy
    StrongAndHealthyMommy Posts: 1,255 Member
    Here I get pay almost $5 and hour. But make banks on tips!!!

    Usually it's fun. Last night i was very frustrated and mad!. tonight was way better. The walkouts got paid. And everything was fun!!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    idk. it kinda seems like maybe they let the bartender dip into the alcohol, no?
    87572878.jpg?w=600&h=600&keep_ratio=1 most bars don't do that, but maybe some do?

  • StrongAndHealthyMommy
    StrongAndHealthyMommy Posts: 1,255 Member
    maybe she got there drunk LOL