good morning

:sad: good morning!! my name is renee & i just started this on monday & im making my weigh date saturday mornings! when i started on monday i put in my weight & i have tracked for a 5 days & today i got on the scale & i gained 1.2 lbs. i was doing weight watchers for a year & a half & lost about 50 pounds & have plateaud for the past few months. a friend recomended this to me so im trying calories instead of points. but... i have started kickboxing for the past 2 weeks and have been doin 3 times a week. how long does it take to gain muscle? i wanted to go down not up. please give me feedback that this calorie counting & excercise will work for me!
Thanks :happy:


  • Bubblevixen
    Bubblevixen Posts: 78 Member
    Morning Renee! :D
    First off congrats on using this site! Awesome bunch of people here!
    Secondly.....I've fallen out with my scales! :D Because although my scale says I lost nothing last trousers beg to differ! I would take measurements and go by those every cpl of weeks...obviously still get weighed if you want to (I do even though i get cross when i can see the changes but my scale torments me)...but they aren't always a good indicator :) Hope this helped a little! hugs and stuff! :D
  • johned63
    johned63 Posts: 306 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Congratulations on your loss, that is fantastic!

    Be careful of fluctuations in the scale driving you crazy, during an average day the scale can move up and down quite a bit. one cup of water weighs a half pound and when starting a new exercise routine your muscles will sometimes hold onto extra water, your sodium intake may have been a little higher, or any number of other things.