Rethinking My No Carb Diet - ?'s

I have been doing no carbs/very little carbs for a while and need to make changes. A little about myself, I am a post-op vsg patient. I have 20 lbs left to go to meet my personal goal which is no where near what is recommended (120 and 160 pounds) not going to happen, no way, no how. I choose to weight in the 180's. Okay with that out of the way, I am thinking that since I have lost so much underlying fat in the last four years that the high protein no carb diet won't work so well as my body may have exausted that method. I have come to realize this because the weight has moved very little in the last month. It is now time to have a well balanced day of food.

Does any of this make sense? Any ideas on how to balance my eating and not have a weight gain? Am I the lone ranger? Thanks very much for any help given.


  • nicoleknapp754
    I would say it depends how low is low carb /no carb by your definition since all fruit and vegetables have carbs in them. I eat two large salads a day plus steamed vegetables and beans at two meals a day. I minimize my animal protein as it is not all that good for me I've decided plus lots of fat..I don't know why you chose to go low carb to begin with. If you are pre diabetic or diabetic you don't want to abandon eating low carb. Perhaps you can vary your exercise and look at when you are eating..if you are eating late in the day with in three hours of bed time switch your eating time to a different time of day.I have 22 pounds to get to my goal of 120 lbs. Yes the weight is coming off slower and slower the closer I get to my goal weight. But I've decided the journey is just as important as the end goal. I am enjoying the new "me" and going shopping for new outfits now. I buy as much as I can on sale so I won't feel bad when I have to give them to the good well because they are too big!
  • lnickens4
    I was pre-diabetes when I weight 285lbs. I am now in perfect medical health. I stay away from the carbs because we are taught to fill up on protein first then veggies. After about a year from surgery I started adding carbs and within three years from the surgery gained 25 lbs total. I have lost 15 of those lbs since December by eating protein and veggies. The carbs I get are from the veggies, coffee creamer (no nutrional value there :) and that is a vice I have chosen to not give up) I am at a stand still for the last month...I know I need to up my physical activity. One of my changes the last few days is making sure to eat my breakfast....which I dislike but know its important. In looking back at the last few months I believe I don't eat enough food which I also believe hinders my progress. I just havent found that balance and don't know where to start.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    you're not the lone ranger. plug in your numbers in this calculator and then make sure you're eating below your TDEE. If you do that, you will lose weight no matter what you eat.

    carbs aren't bad. it's all about moderation.
  • capergirl770
    capergirl770 Posts: 23 Member
    My experience with low carb
    I lost 25 lbs easy in 2 months. Kept my carbs low for a long time and during the summer, my lifestyle changed and I started eating normally for a while. Gained 25 lbs back very fast. Then was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism which the specialist said is linked to low carbing. I have tried every diet since, low carb again, WW MFP and It is extreamly hard for me to lose weight. I regret doing low carb because I slowed my metabolism down to next to nothing. Now thats just for me personally. My father lost 35 lbs low carbing and hasnt gained it back. and has NO issues at all.
    Now I stick to whole wheat carbs. I eat nothing white. Weight loss is very slow