How to get the most out of your heart rate monitor

SkyeBows Posts: 80
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok so I got a polar heart rate monitor. So I was thinking about wearing it on for a full 24 hours and seeing what my daily calorie burned would be on a normal day. Is this what you should do? Then should I eat what it says I burn or how does that work? I have been working my butt off and doing tons of strength at the gym since I am a stay at home mom and figured chasing my daughter around all day is a pretty good cardio. But because I was doing the strength before my HRM I never put in calories burned and that month I only lost 2 pounds. Then when I did lifetime fitness's body assessment they told me to eat the min of 1400 calories and mfp has me at 1200 calories and then they said to eat only half of my workout calories. So I got to thinking that maybe I didnt lose much because my body was actually in starvation mode since I didnt know my actually calories burned and then I was eating only the 1200? Would that make sense? oh all of this confuses me I just hate to try and try and then feel like I failed :(


  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    If you want something that measures every calorie burned in a day, get a body bugg or fitbit. HRMs are meant for keeping track of calories burned during exercise only.
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