Need to VENT

drp121274 Posts: 34 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I know that I had a bad weekend, but I am eating so much better than I was. Check out my diary, April 25th was what I used to eat on a regular basis and exercise wasn't something I ever did.

But April 26th, I started on MFP, April 27th, I joined the gym, and I have cut out 90% of my pop. Yes, I have Olive Garden on Mother's day, but the weight is not moving at all!

I track everything thing that I eat or drink - I am not good at tracking my water, but I do drink alot of water now. I work out 6 days per week, normally an hour of cardio and 30 of weights. I started weighing 179-181 (my range) and I am still in that same range - one day I was down to 178.8 - I was glad to see that my scale was able to go down somewhat.

I have 2 friends that joined this site also, and I feel like I am eating healthier than them and working out more, but they are losing weight and I'm not. I know that my sugar intake is too much still, but I have been able to get it down more than I used to be able to control it. One of my friends are on the hCG shots, and she is have great success, 11 pounds in 11 days. I just don't know If I could go down to 500 calories a day (seems unhealthy to me)...

I have a doctor appointment for a physical next month, and if I don't lose weight by then, I will asked for alternitive methods. But seriously - just cutting out 3 20oz bottles of pop a day, I should have seen something...:sad:

Just had to vent :)


  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Everyone is different but when I eat sugar (even in fruit) I do not lose!! When my protein is higher than my carbs and I exercise it comes off. How many calories are you eating? are you eating exercise calories? When I upped my calories it started the wt loss too! Just keep playing with it and see what works for your body! But dont give up!

    BTW~ I know you dont want to hear this but Soda is the worst thing you can drink, it will sabbotage all your hard work, it is just not worth it! Try to limit it to 1-2 a week and see if that helps.
  • emilymorene
    emilymorene Posts: 56
    Sounds like with what you are doing you should be loosing weight. As far as 500 calories per day, that to me is just way to little and as soon as that person starts really eating again some of the weight will come back. I read one post about a week ago about a guy who was eating Kashi bars and other 'healthy' bars but when it came down to it, that is why he wasn't really loosing much weight. Make sure to read the labels on all of your foods to make sure they are good for you. Continue excersising and drinking water. If by the time you have your doctors appointment you haven't lost weight I would talk to him about it. There might be another underlying issue.

    Good luck!
  • dansdeb
    dansdeb Posts: 164
    everyone is different. I have struggled for a few weeks and think I found what I need to do. I need to eat more - doesn't that sound ridiculous. but I talked to a trainer and evidently if you don't eat enough, your body thinks it is starving and slows the metabolic rate down. So, play around with your diet a little. cutting out the sugar etc is VERY good. You may just need more protein or something. Please don't get discouraged, you can do it!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I know you were just venting but I wanted to say you have to give it TIME. If it's been a while since you exercised before a couple weeks ago, your muscles are *freaking out* right now. Know what muscles do when they freak out? Retain water. Know what that does? Adds water weight. If you keep exercising, your muscles will adjust and you will drop that water weight and that's when your fat loss will really show on the scale. You just keep eating *healthy* & exercising and the weight WILL come off. :wink: And most importantly, if you do this the healthy way, eating right (not starving yourself! I eat 1500-2000 calories a day when I exercise!) and exercising, the weight will STAY off. :smile:

    Also, it looks like you've lost 2 pounds according to your ticker. 2 pounds in 2 weeks is GOOD! Read this post on expectations -- it's a good one:
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    Like stated before everyone is different. Don't compare what you eat/excersie with others--it may not be the same for you. You have started what seems like great improvements, but its still early--just stick with it and you will see the pounds go away. At a minimum you should be eating 1200 calories or else your body goes into starvation mode. When this happens anything you eat your body stores as fat since you are not getting enough calories in.

    Watch your sugar intake--I know I always go over mine but thats beacuse I have to have my fruit-I see it as healthy sugar-better than if it was just from candy etc...

    Also how often do you weigh yourself? I know people vary on this but I like to weigh my self weekly--same day and around same time as before right when I wake up in the morning. This will give you the most accurate weight. If you weigh yourself everyday your body can fluctuate in weight 3-5lbs each day due to water weight keep that in mind.

    Also any fast way to lose weight is bad for you--as soon as you stop and go back to eating "normal" you gain all the weight back and then some...slow and steady is key here...

    Don't get discouraged and keep up the hard work--it will pay off!!
  • LilMissAngi
    LilMissAngi Posts: 127
    I used to drink that much soda per day if not more. I have managed to get to 8 8oz of water per day.

    Since my body id not used to having water, my body retains it, therefore I have water weight.

    That could possibly be the same.

    I have had friends on the hCG shot, and that is SO not healthy. Something about inserting that pregnant hormone is really disturbing to me.
  • drp121274
    drp121274 Posts: 34 Member
    Just to be clear, I have cut out 90% of the pop. I used to drink at least 24 cans of Dr Pepper per week... So maybe it is that I am retaining water... guess I need to be patient (anyone know where to find patience?) LOL
  • bonnienm
    bonnienm Posts: 329 Member
    I drank 12 oz of Dr. Pepper per day and was still able to lose. I just add it to my calorie intake per day and worked around it. Once before I cut way back on it and didn't lose anything so don't get discouraged that just stopping that didn't make you lose weight. Don't quit! You can do it!
  • LadyTramp
    LadyTramp Posts: 2
    Have you taken your measurements? Muscle weighs heavier then fat so you might be loosing inches but just not pounds. Also, when you first begin working out, your muscles will retain some water to help with the healing process. Regardless, don't give up! I understand the frustration but it'll all be worth it in the end.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Everyone is different but when I eat sugar (even in fruit) I do not lose!! When my protein is higher than my carbs and I exercise it comes off. How many calories are you eating? are you eating exercise calories? When I upped my calories it started the wt loss too! Just keep playing with it and see what works for your body! But dont give up!

    BTW~ I know you dont want to hear this but Soda is the worst thing you can drink, it will sabbotage all your hard work, it is just not worth it! Try to limit it to 1-2 a week and see if that helps.

    I agree with this too. There are more and more reports coming out that we need to limit our fruit intake when trying to lose weight.

    My doctor told me to look at fruit like a dessert, it is not something that should be indulged in everyday and especially not multiple times a day.
  • suejonestx
    suejonestx Posts: 256 Member
    Hi DRP. If you're really serious about losing weight, my suggestions are these:

    a) for 2 weeks, try cutting out all cookies, beer, fast food, and chips
    b) continue to exercise regularly
    c) keep drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of veggies
    d) check the scale after the 2-week period to see if your weight has lowered (weighing every day can be detrimental to your motivation!)

    Easier said than done, I know! But, it's worth a shot if you really want to budge the scale.
    Good luck!
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