Arthur Bryan's Tips for sucessful weight Loss and

Artman2012 Posts: 4 Member
Hello My Fitness Pal Family,

I have been asked over and over what is my secret for weight loss? Every person I have told this too they have been successful in their weight loss. For example my wife has lost over 15lbs in the last few months. I have co-workers that have lost 20+ lbs doing what I did. So I believe Knowledge is power, but if you don't use the knowledge it is useless. So here are my secrets:

1) Prayer: Pray to God to give you the strength and endurance that you will need to get through the workouts and calorie count. I did this on a daily basis.

2) Commitment: I had to prioritize my life so that I could make fitness and proper eating a part of my life. I had to stop making excuses why I couldn't workout or why I couldn't follow a certain nutrition plan.

3) Plan: I had a plan everyday for fitness and nutrition. I set my plan A for the morning time and if that didn't work I used Plan B for the evenings for my workouts. My family and I planned out our meals for the entire week.

4) Tools: I used Myfitness pal as a tool to help my plan work out. This was an essential key to my weight loss. Knowing how much you are eating helps in this process.

5) Goals: I set daily, weekly, monthly and annual goals. I also set mile markers so that I would have small and large victories. My mini victory was a pound of weight loss. A small victory was 5lbs of weight loss and a big victory was every 10lbls of weight loss. When I hit my goal weights those were victories as well. The point is to stay focused on the goal.

6) Support: Make sure your family and friends are on board with you before you start this process, because this will take time and endurance. My wife was my enforcer and my co-workers were my inspiration and God was my strength.

7) Have fun: Remember weight loss takes time so have fun with it. Learn new things and learn about your body that God designed for you. We get frustrated and give up to easily. Sometimes you may not see a weight loss for 2 or 3 weeks. Then all of a sudden it just happens. You have to learn your body. An example my wife was stuck at 150 for almost 3 weeks and all of a sudden she dropped to 145lbs. So have fun with the workouts and stay positive. Have fun with making foods in a healthier way. This a great exercise if you are married because you can learn from each other.

8) Don’t beat yourself up: We all fail at one point in our lives. We will over eat someday or not exercise. It is ok don't beat yourself up if you encounter this. We all fall short!!! The idea is to remain consistent. If you missed a day to work out just keep to your schedule and pick it up on the next day you are suppose to workout. Same is true with eating Calorie count is an estimate not an absolute. So there is always wiggle room in the numbers, but if we over eat don't make it a habit. Just stick to the plan that we you have laid out for yourself.

I hope this helps those who are new or are struggling with weight loss. This works and it takes time, but don't give up because there is a family here at myfitness pal that cares and we want to see you succeed. Good luck to you all and God bless!!

Arthur Bryan