TSH from 1.41 to 3.98 within a year

:sad: Anyone experienced in thyroid issues that know if that is a red flag? For it to go up 2.57 in a year?

I revamped my lifestyle in January and haven't lost a thing in months. I've read that the guidelines have changed as far as ranges go, but on the copy of my labs it says the range is from .35 to 6.0, everything I've read says anything above 3 should be considered as an issue. I don't think the antibodies were tested. And I do have some other signs of thyroid issues like hair loss, memory issues, dry skin, slightly anemic, and a few more I can't remember atm (memory issues).

My doc gave me an rx for phentermine and wants me to come back in a month to retest, she warned me the weight will come back on once I stop the pills, but that souldn't apply if I'm watching my calories, so it turns into a vicious circle. I hate to come off as vain but I really want this weight to come off, summer is fast approaching and I don't want to turn into a miserable person because I feel disgusting. All I wanted to do in January is lose 20lbs by June. :sad: