Can't Decide...

on if I should work out some more today or not. I want to workout, but then again I keep reading how important rest is for your body. I'll give you a little insight into my workouts:

Mon & Tues - Cardio Kick Start Program (alternating strength and cardio exercises) in the morning and some form of cardio in the afternoon.
Wednesday - "Rest".....generally some form of cardio
Thurs & Fri - Cardio Kick Start Program in the morning and some form of cardio in the afternoon
Sat & Sun - "Rest" ....generally some form of cardio

So for today I've done:

Dance Central 2 - Easy Start - Medium difficulty
20 mins
AVG HR 169
5 min rest/water break
Dance Central 2 - Warm Up - Easy difficulty
20 mins
AVG HR 181

It's been several hours since I did this and I'm feeling pretty good. I also wouldn't mind doing at least another 20 min session. I plan for tomorrow to be more cardio as well. So what are your opinions?