Ok, Im scared! (Thyroid)

I have been doing some research into thyroid problems, and I have a few symptoms of hypothyroid, but not a lot.

I have recently lost 40lbs over the last year, and for the past 6 months - I have been totally stuck (I tried IF, and that worked for a bit but once I stopped, the weight loss stopped as well). I am wondering if someone with hypothyroid would still have been able to lose weight (40lbs) in a years time? Or if a person had hypothyroidism would have been unable to lose anything no matter how hard they try?


  • Rgtjax85
    Rgtjax85 Posts: 99 Member
    If you are experiencing some symptoms make an appointment with your doctor. I have no experience with that part of my health. I hope you will be okay. I knew a guy that had some weight on him but was of average weight for his age but developed thyroid issues and was scrawny as a rod. I hope it is nothing. :-)
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I wasnt really showing symptoms. My doc discovered mine during a yearly physical and confirmed through blood work. My levels havent changed in about 2 years so its pretty well controlled.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Just get tested if you're concerned. It's totally treatable. You might have more trouble losing weight if you were hypothyroid, but a lot of people who aren't hypothyroid have that problem too.
  • LillyBoots
    LillyBoots Posts: 114 Member
    you need to get the bloods done and medication sorted. I'm losing weight steadily now that I'm on the right dose of Eutroxsig. There is a group on here dedicated to people losing weight with a thyroid condition, you may want to join.
  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member
    I have every effing symptom in a severe way. Thank goodness all the four thyroid tests I've had have been normal. I'm happy to know there's nothing wrong with me (Please read this while clenching your teeth in order to truly know my opinion about my diagnosis). Go get yours checked, OP. Some medication might help you!
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I guess I am just wondering as I when I lost the 1st 40lbs, it came off relatively easy. Would someone with undiagnosed hypothyroidism have an easy time losing weight or no?

    I only have 2 symptoms. 1 - I have been stuck at my current weight for 6 months, despite changing my diet, increasing calories - lowering calories - changing exercise, intermittent fasting...and i have not lost much of anything
    The second symptom is my hair seems to be coming out. Not a lot...but I have noticed more strands in the sink/brush...and when i pull my hair back, my scalp shows through on the sides.

    Other than that, i don't have any symptoms
  • leane80
    leane80 Posts: 6
    Thyroid is such a common issue, I have been stuck at between 145 - 155 pounds for the last 12 years. I have a slight hypothyroid condition and its also prevalent in my family. Normal range for TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) is between 1-7ish and I was running at about 5. I convinced my doctor to prescribe a low dose of synthroid to see if that would change anything and since then without any major or diet or excercise regime my weight was sitting more around 145ish (i hate the scale). I have been taking 75mcc of synthroid for about 2 years and my TSH stays around 1.5. I have started excercising and watching my diet now, so Ill see if can lose some weight now.
    I hope this helps.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I just did some research...and I used the search to see other people having hair loss issues with weight loss. One person had commented about they just had to switch shampoo and conditioner and their hair stopped falling out.

    I did not know that the pH levels in shampoos and conditioners can be too acidic and cause hair loss!! I searched up all of the brands I use, and sure enough - they are all really acidic. :)
  • Lovetheblue
    I was diagnosed with Hypothyroid about a year and half ago now. I wasn't really having symptoms per say but my doctor was running blood tests to be sure my cholesterol was ok with my weight problems and sure enough we found out everything was great except my thyroid. I was completely freaked out! They told me I would have to take medications for the rest of my life and after researching more I realized exactly how much your thyroid truly affects in your body, it's amazing! Fortunately for me, I happen to work in a hospital and have constant access to physicians I feel comfortable talking to. So, I talked with a few of them and they reassured me that it was a common problem that was easily taken care of with the proper meds and monitoring.
    I have been just fine taking the meds and I get blood tests done every 3-4 months now. It's honestly Not as scary as you would think!! I promise :0) But, you Do need to get it checked if you have any concerns at all! I myself have had a little more trouble loosing weight since starting the meds but Most people, I've been told, it's the opposite. So bottom line, better safe then sorry--Get it checked out! And don't be scared, it's not so bad :wink:
  • kzandarski
    I think normal is a relative term. I had a lot of symptoms for several years and was tested several times every time being normal. After I was diagnosed with Hypothyroid I found out the my normal tests were just hundredths of a percent over the range of normal.

    I can still lose weight if I am am very close to perfect with my eating, watch my carb/protein ratio closely and exercise religiously. So yes, I would say that you could have lost those 40 lbs. with hypothyroid and yes, you can test 'normal' and have thyoid problems.

    I would do some research and talk to your Dr. after you are well informed.
  • quiltlady77
    quiltlady77 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi, I'm hypothyroid and when I first started taking the meds, many years ago, I lost 8 lbs without even trying but now it is hard losing, but I don't think that has anything to do with my thyroid which now tests normal. The best thing, as others have said, is to get tested and if the results show you are low, the dr will prescribe something for you. What I take is 1 tiny pill a day and it is very inexpensive.
  • tinypastels
    tinypastels Posts: 32 Member
    You might want to check out adrenal fatigue. There's a lot of common symptoms.

    Edit: it could be adrenal hyperfunction
  • Brianna72994
    I do, but I also take medication for it. If I stop taking my medication then I notice weight gain, no matter how hard I try to lose it. When I first started taking it, I literally lost 10 pounds (I was also 12 years old, so that may have something to do with it). But you may wanna see a doctor and try to get on medication ASAP.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member

    I did not know that the pH levels in shampoos and conditioners can be too acidic and cause hair loss!! I searched up all of the brands I use, and sure enough - they are all really acidic. :)

    What is "really acidic?" Skin is naturally acidic. A shampoo that isn't acidic is alkaline and will make your hair dry and brittle. If your hair is thinning at the sides, it's actually coming out, not breaking off. Talk to your doctor about it, because hey, it could be your thyroid, or it could be something else that you'd want to deal with.
  • JT219
    JT219 Posts: 19
    I was diagnosed about 8 years ago with hypothyroidism. It's extremely difficult for me to lose weight. I have to eat virtually nothing to see the scale drop. good luck and feel free to ad me.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I have every effing symptom in a severe way. Thank goodness all the four thyroid tests I've had have been normal. I'm happy to know there's nothing wrong with me (Please read this while clenching your teeth in order to truly know my opinion about my diagnosis). Go get yours checked, OP. Some medication might help you!

    Did you have 4 TSH tests, or have you had T3 and T4 tested as well, which is sometimes necessary when TSH is normal? Unfortunately the symptoms aren't very specific. I was misdiagnosed with depression for a long time, which was really my only symptom - cleared up within two weeks of getting levothyroxine.

    If you didn't have an antibody test, that would be another thing to consider.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I just did some research...and I used the search to see other people having hair loss issues with weight loss. One person had commented about they just had to switch shampoo and conditioner and their hair stopped falling out.

    I did not know that the pH levels in shampoos and conditioners can be too acidic and cause hair loss!! I searched up all of the brands I use, and sure enough - they are all really acidic. :)

    Are you eating too few calories as that can cause hair loss? Are you over-exercising? If no to both of these I have noticed that some on here that have thyroid issues eat lower carbs and do very well. Best of luck, best to get it checked if you are worried.
  • capergirl770
    capergirl770 Posts: 23 Member
    I was diagnosed in Sept with Hypo. I started on a low dose of Synthroid and had it increased 4 times since then. Its not as easy to treat as some may think. For some people it is but for others, like me, not so much. It is very hard to lose weight with this disease I think until you are on the right dose of medication.
  • stratcat45
    stratcat45 Posts: 48 Member
    I've been hypo for years. I lost 40 lbs. on Weight Watchers in 2010-2011. I've gained half back but it has nothing to do with my thyroid; it's because I went off track and began eating badly again.

    For some reason, everyone thinks that if you're hypo and then start medication, weight will drop off left and right with very little dieting/exercising efforts - that is so untrue. Like I said, I've been hypo for years (10+) and it took Weight Watchers to get the weight off and I lost at the same rate my cousin (who has no medical issues) did.
  • stratcat45
    stratcat45 Posts: 48 Member
    clapointe: it can take up to a year to get your Synthroid meds exactly right; they start low and then slowly increase/decrease as needed. I still have blood work done every 6 months.