Easy apple salad...

amk44 Posts: 159
For Mother's Day, we went to a Chinese buffet, and they had a delicious looking apple and cantalope salad there. I tried a little, but was apprehensive about "what" might be in it.

Well, last night I washed, cored, and cut two apples into bite sized pieces, and then poured on a probiotic lowfat peach yogurt that I had in the frig. I stirred it up and put it in the frig for today... I thought it looked kind of pretty, and looked forward to having some.

Well, this morning my husband said, "Boy, that apple stuff was really good!" Apparently, instead of consuming a half gallon of ice cream or a full (large) bag of potato chips last night when he got hungry, he sat down and "ate the WHOLE apple salad"... LOL :laugh: (Golly, as a result he ate two "healthy" apples and a "healthy" yogurt!!!!!! :wink: ) Good thing I have more apples and yogurts in the frig... :happy:

Someone probably has already discovered this easy salad, but thought I'ld share... Guess I never thought of using a flavored yogurt as a salad dressing before... :ohwell: Previously I had used the Lite Miracle Whip and tried to use the least amount necessary.


  • Crysta1976
    Crysta1976 Posts: 184 Member
    Sounds yummy!

    Another really good apple salad I had was from a Thai restaurant. All it was was shredded green apples, a little bit of toasted coconut, a handful of cashews and a little bit of chicken. No dressing or anything on it (except maybe some lime juice to keep the apples from turning brown). SO GOOD!
  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    This sounds yummy!! I can also try it with all kinds of different fruits and yogurts. umm... banana and chocolate fat free pudding sounds good too!! The Ideas are flowing through my mind now. Thanks for the post.