Tips for losing that last 4 pounds - thanks!

Hi everyone

I've lost 13 pounds so far by using the myfitness pal app. I've done nothing sophisticated - just cut my daily diet to 1400 calories and exercised as much as as I could! It's taken me a lot longer to lose the weight than I was led to believe! I started off in January this year. I don't mind though as my philosophy is to keep to a reasonable diet so that I can maintain it into the future instead of going for a drastic diet that I would never be able to maintain in real life.

My question is how to get rid of the last 4 pounds! I seem to be hovering around 132 pounds for the past month and can't rid of the last 4 pounds. I've upped my exercise to about 6 times a week. 4 times a week I run on the treadmill for half an hour and use up around 250 calories. On the weekends I run for 45 mins and use up around 450 calories. I eat back most of the calories (90 per cent) but not all. My height is 5 feet 3 inches.

Any tips for the last push?? Any help appreciated. Thanks very much in advance.