Any striiv users

Hi I have been on here for a while but only started using striiv last week, my question is I walk a lot and when striiv syncs with mt fitness pal it says I am burning around 2,000 calories a day, I am trying to lose weight but don't know how much of these calories I should be eating back,on here it says that I should be eating 1200 calories a day to lose 2lbs a week but that is nowhere near enough calories for me I walk about 15 miles a day ,,any help in this matter ,I would love to here what u think


  • finnvalley
    finnvalley Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Laura :)
    I've been using the striiv app for a while now and although I love it (it really has motivated me) to be honest, I don't think it's 100% accurate with the calories burned thing. It also doesn't sync right with mfp for me sometimes, so I just manually add how many minutes I walked into mfp.

    I definitely think you're not eating enough if you're walking 15 miles a day on 1200 calories though...I'm 5ft, eat at least 1400 and am still managing to lose weight, albeit slowly but I don't mind about that...I didn't get fat overnight, so I'm not gonna get fit overnight either!

    Try calculating up your numbers of how much you should be eating using the tools here:
    And have a read through this post:
    I'm no expert at all, but if I can help just let me know.