two a days, double the fun?

hey everyone!

i'm in the last stretch (about 5 pounds left), and i'm having a hard time getting the weight off. i'm thinking about upping my gym commitment from 4-5 times a week, to trying to go twice a day on those 4-5 times. the plan would be, go in the morning for a 30 min run/elliptical session, or 15 minutes plus 15 minutes of abs/whatever, and then go in the evenings to classes (kickboxing, glutes/butt/legs class, are the most likely) and/or lifting.

should i just give myself a reality check? is this feasible/ stupid? any suggestions or experiences? now that i've lost some weight (i was a healthy weight to start and have only lost 5 pounds), i'm finding the last few pounds impossible, and i want to tone up (yeah yeah, heavy lifting, i know, i know), so i wanted to experiment with "two a days".

thanks in advance!