2500 calories a day

Hey everyone,

I'm 5'4, weigh 97 lbs (or 164 cm and 44 kg). If I eat 2500 calories a day, how much weight will I gain a week? (bearing in mind I have a sedentary lifestyle).

I appreciate any help you can give me on this!


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    What did MFP show for your maintenance caloric intake? You can take this and add 500/day to gain 1 pound per week or add 1000/day to gain 2 pounds per week.

    Found this site: http://www.alpinehealthclubs.com/lifestyle/calculatordcn.htm, and entered your info in and to maintain you would need about 1500 cals/day so 2500 would have you gain 2 pounds per week. If you exercise you would have to eat those extra calories as well in order to gain the 2 pounds.
  • rnroadrunner
    rnroadrunner Posts: 402 Member
    go to tools and select bmr input your data and then figure lets say 1200. 2500 - 1200 = 1200 a day. one lb is 3500 so 1200 x7 / 3500 = total # of lbs gained.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    go to tools and select bmr input your data and then figure lets say 1200. 2500 - 1200 = 1200 a day. one lb is 3500 so 1200 x7 / 3500 = total # of lbs gained.

    You are using the BMR, but that doesn't take into account the lifestyle at a sedentary lifestyle, she will need 1500 to maintain, so 1000*7 = 7000/3500 = 2 pounds per week.