Any ladies done Tapout Xt with results

Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
I am starting Tapout XT next week and was wondering if there are any ladies out there that have done it and loved the results. If you have before and after pics that would be great. I do kickboxing ALOT and stick with Inside Out Method or boot camp style classes but was wondering what people thought of this DVD set.


  • Viva81Diva
    Viva81Diva Posts: 148
    I just did Day 1 tonight. I would love to see results from others too! I truly believe this will be a body transforming program. The moves are intense, the heart rate stays elevated, and even people like me who don't sweat often while active sweat!

    I did Day 1 through 4 about a month ago and life happened, so I didn't complete it. I did, however, LOVE every minute of the workouts, even when I was hugging the floor and swearing! :P So.... I'm ready to earn results and see how hardcore this really is.

    I'm not following the diet plan. When I did the first 5 days of the 10-day, I crashed and had major dizzy spells. Not worth it! I'm going to eat clean my own way, consuming approximately 1400 calories each day. I already drink 10 glasses of water daily, so no worries with hydration. I'm going to do extra workouts each workout day, so hopefully it will boost weight/inch loss.

    Good luck, and please share TapouT results!! Thanks a million! :P
  • chichihawk0912
    chichihawk0912 Posts: 1 Member
    I finished two rounds of tapout xt and lost 15lbs. I am now on day 3 of tapout xt2 and loving the strength and endurance that I developed throughout tapout xt. In addition, I am able to jog with my dogs for 10 min every morning as opposed to 20 minutes of just walking. My 2nd round of tapout xt was not as rigorous as the first time and I only worked out 3-4 times a week instead of 6 times a week. I still have about 5 lbs to go before I reach my ideal weight but I love the lifestyle change.
    I did not follow the nutrition guide but I've been eating oatmeal and chicken salad during the week at work and whatever I fix for me and my kids in the evening and during the weekends. Eating the same thing during the week works for me because I can prepare them ahead of time in tupperware containers and all I have to do is change it up from time to time (e.g. add fruits to the oatmeal, salmon instead of chicken for my salad, add black beans.avocado, or apples to my salad). I actually got this tip from Mike Karpenko's FB post and it works for me. I do give myself a break from time to time but pretty much stick to the same meal plan.
    I am sure you would love the results you get throughout the program and would definitely earn it with sweat. Good luck!
  • tiggern24
    tiggern24 Posts: 19 Member
    I am starting Tapout XT next week and was wondering if there are any ladies out there that have done it and loved the results. If you have before and after pics that would be great. I do kickboxing ALOT and stick with Inside Out Method or boot camp style classes but was wondering what people thought of this DVD set.

    I have done 2 rounds of TapouT XT and loved the results!! My body has become toned all over and my strength is insane!! I am on day 8 of XT2 and it is amazing to see how much better I am than when I started XT1!!