30 day shred!!

Hey everyone :) I am going ti start the 30 day shred tonight any one done it before? Pros? Cons? Did u loose any weight? Any things that I should/ should not be eating? And also how do I log it into my fittness pal?


  • KelLifts
    KelLifts Posts: 99 Member
    I am starting lvl 2 today. :) I love it. I have already lost some inches and some lbs. I don't know exact numbers right now as my weigh-in /measure day is tomorrow. But my clothes are fitting looser and I can see the difference in the mirror. For myself. I limit my sugar, and eat about 80% veggies, and fruit. My proteins are from chicken and fish. I think that is about it so far lol. As for logging I use a HRM, but some have logged as circuit training. Good Luck! It is rough but super worth it.