Beginner Runner - Tips?!



  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    i didn't know what i was doing when i started. i just starting walking the dog every day, then after a while walking wasn't fast enough for me anymore, then i was jogging, and some time after that the DOG wasn't fast enough for me anymore...

    i'd been jogging for over a year when i found MFP and the C25K prog. turns out the natural, intuitive program i'd put myself on (just by doing what felt good and PUSHING myself, a least a little bit, every day or almost every day) is almost exactly in line with C25K anyhow.

    i don't have fancy running shoes. i don't have fancy athletic clothes. i tape over my ankles and below my knees to keep the soreness down in my legs. i just try to keep track of how many minutes i can run without stopping, so i can be aware of my progress.

    when i started i couldn't get to the end of the block. now i can jog for ~5 min without stopping. all on my own.
  • abideedum
    abideedum Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks, i download them and going to do my first one tonight :D
  • Shawnzgirl78
    Shawnzgirl78 Posts: 148 Member
    Everyone is different -- but for me, I didn't enjoy the structured programs. So what I did (and still do) is I do a 5 minutes walk and then I jog or run as far as I feel like it and then I take a walking break. I really listen to my body and do what feels good. Sometimes I sprint for several minutes, sometimes I just jog the whole time. It really depends on the day. But this approach -- just doing what feels good -- has let me really enjoy running for the first time in my life.
    This kinda sounds more like my style. I liked the idea of one of the apps mentioned tho of running according to the speed of your music. Interval works really well for me.
  • Running is definitely one of those things where if you have a partner who can motivate you and push you then the better off and quicker you will progress. But, first off you definitely need to get some quality running shoes. Many people definitely take this for granted. I have ran several marathons, and too many 5 an 10k's to count. Time and time again I see people wearing improper shoes and complaining of shin splints or some other related pain or ache. You are definitely on the right track if you like to listen to up beat music too. Finding music that has some where around 140-150 beats per minute will help you maintain a good pace/cadence and is something you can do as a novice runner or a experienced runner. Also, if running is something you truly want to do you can focus on your running form. Many people run heel to toe or flat footed, if you can practice as you work up as a new runner to run mid-foot the better off you will be. I started out running heel to toe and took me years to learn how to run mid-foot. Sorry for rambling, but running is one of my passions and thought I would share! Good luck in whatever program/method you choose!
  • joeysrib
    joeysrib Posts: 158 Member
    I'm with you! I've been wanting to take up running for awhile, but scared of the pain, and difficulty catching my breath. C25k starts Wednesday!

    I don't know about anybody else, but after what happened in Boston today, I'm really fired up to take up running! Let's prove to the world that we are not afraid!
  • One thing that has really helped me keep on it is my dog! I know not everyone is a dog person or whatever... But its so much easier when he's with me, because I'm focused on him rather than how long I've been running.... Also I constantly remind myself that we'll get done with our nightly walk a lot faster if we run it. And since I'm fairly new at running, we have worked up to our current distance together... Although I'm sure he could run all day if I asked him to.

    Also, enter a race in the future. Give yourself enough time to train for it (like C25K) but not too much time, and enjoy. Since running my first 5K I've been so pumped.
  • JustAGirlyGeek
    JustAGirlyGeek Posts: 149 Member
    I love the NHS podcasts as well! The lady who talks you through the sessions is really great! Enjoy!