Can anyone help with this? A bit concerned!



  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    wow your protein is low for past 5 days that coupled with low sodium cant be good. The iodized salt your body needs is found in dairy,meat etc Then on top of that you are drinking a ton of water? See a doctor but as a reflection of your macros I would assume your body thinks it is starving (not getting enough of the right nutrients) Also your sugar is over for past 5 days. I am not diabetic but some of your symptoms reflect those of a diabetic
  • kodakmemories
    I've been looking at the symptoms of diabetes but there's a few things I don't really get, I don't get intense thirst, it's more that the water I drink just goes straight through me after a while because I'm already hydrated. I drink a lot of the time out of habit, instead of because I'm thirsty.

    Someone did mention low blood pressure so I will definitely speak to my doctor tomorrow