city runners

For the first time in my life I'm living in a massive city. In case motivation to run isn't hard enough for me to find, the city scares me. I'm absolutely loving it but between the pollution, the massive amounts of people and getting lost in the concrete jungle, going for a casual jog makes me so nervous! I also will not listen to music while running to beware of my surroundings, which doesn't help. Anyone have any tips/advice? Thank you!


  • alison2429
    alison2429 Posts: 236 Member
    Is there a running club that you could join? Or maybe use MapMyRun which would have local routes.
    Good luck and take care.
  • VickyO1977
    VickyO1977 Posts: 156 Member
    Definitely find a club for security and motivation and if you want to run on our own find a cycle path that's what I use good luck from a fellow runner.
  • oohmercyme
    oohmercyme Posts: 279 Member
    I also don't listen to music/books- even when I trail run, I just have to great a need to know what's going on.

    Are there any parks/trails near you? I live in London and was stunned to discover, when I took up running, just how many green spaces there were for me to run in. (Never had a need to know before!).

    Happy running :)
  • anastb
    anastb Posts: 9 Member solution would it be to find a park... but I don't suggest it to a young girl. Your safety goes first.

    You can ask a friend to join you, preferably a man...but this means, that when he is bored after a while, you may follow him. In addition, I trust nobody in a park! haha

    Gym has a cost, but many advantages! If you cannot afford it, stay in the noisy streets! It, focus on thinking of the results! :P