tkrall Posts: 109
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm the maid of honor in a wedding. This wedding is in 3 months and I am one of the bigger girls. Now I do not consider myself "big" but the girls I'm standing next to are like a size 4. So I'm going to look at little "off" being a size 9. Right now I've been doing pretty good. I've been on here since January and I have lost 15lbs. Which I am so proud of!! But, I would like to kick it up a notch for this wedding. I would like to lose another 12lbs by the wedding. Just to give an idea of what I already do: I walk 2.5-3.5 mph on the treadmill at a 10-12% grade 5 days a week for 20-25 minutes. I do weight lifting 5 days a week as well. I can not increase the speed on the treadmill due to bad knees. (IT KILLS ME) Does anybody have any ideas on how I can pick up the pace a little bit?


  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    First - let me say that being a size 9 is certainly nothing to be ashamed of... and congratulations on the 15 lb loss!

    Having said that, I know what it's like to have to stand next to smaller people and feel like you don't look your best.
    So - in that light... here's some thoughts off the top of my head...
    How about holding handweights while you're walking? Maybe extend your workout by 10-15 minutes?
    Do you workout at a gym or at home? If you have access to a gym, how about signing up for some classes like Zumba? Adding some weight training in?

    What kind of dress will you be wearing? If it's something that is arm/back bearing - find some specific exercises that target those areas. Nothing looks better than toned arms!

    Make sure that you're drinking a ton of water and eating well. Eat as cleanly as you possibly can. Lots of fresh veggies and fruit... not only is it good for your body but makes your skin glow!

    12 pounds may or may not be possible in 3 months for you - the thinner you are, the longer it takes to come off... but you can certainly put maximum effort in to look your absolute best!
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