Working Hard yet its hardly working

Hello, I joined this site at the recommendation of my Gastric Bypass Surgeons office. I have been struggling with a very slow weight gain since my surgery 7 years ago. A progression of circumstances have been contributing factors: divorce, sedintary job, early menopause just to name a few.

Since my surgery I have gained about 30 pounds over what I consider to be my ideal weight. It scares me to death that I may get back up to the 300+ pounds that I had been.

So, last June, I joined the local Y and started REALLY working out and went back to cooking more at home, more fresh fruits, veggies, lean meats in a re-newed attempt to shed pounds again.

I have worked up to a 5 day/wk 45mins/day regimen and was roughly consuming around 1500-1700 calories per day but no weight loss. FRUSTRATING!!!

On the flip side, I have tighten up quite a bit, my clothes fit a lot better and I feel great! Plus have met a lot of really nice and helpful people at the gym.

So, here I am, looking to give as well as recieve support in this adventure to lose weight and feel healty.

BTW I absolutely LOVE to cook! So am really willing to share new recipes!

Wish me luck!



  • heidiyf
    heidiyf Posts: 8 Member
    Best of luck to you!

    I know how you feel about being scared of putting it all back on. I've lost weight, believing I'd never let myself get back to where I was. Not only did I get back to where I was but I exceeded it. But it definitely sounds like you are on the right track and even if the scale isn't going down, sounds like you are losing some fat for sure.
  • MsHaether
    1500-1700 may be too many calories. I do best at 1200 per day and I workout daily. But I am only 5'3..
  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    Good luck Lori,,,,,menopause, can be challenging,,,,I understand only too well. This is a really good site and has helped me greatly. Glad to see you here.
  • hjkcollins
    sometime you have to change up what you are doing and remember this journey is a lifestyle change. For over 20 years, i "dieted" and tried everything out there and loss weight and then put it back on.This time around I decided to committ to a lifestyle change of eating healthier and working out and that nothing or noone reason was going to stop me. My results to date 118 lbs and continuing toning. Keep yourself moving forward and never give up. Remind yourself of your Why and surround yourself with like minded people!!! Heidi
  • fitnessmare
    fitnessmare Posts: 117
    I'm having a hard time too. I think it is a very different story when you are young. Now that I am 51 I try so hard to lose that tire around my waist and it went down some but then popped back up! I work hard, exercise hard (many different kinds of exercise) and I try to eat right. Maybe my body just doesn't require as many calories as it used to. idk. I'm open to ideas and things that women have done that have worked for them! I'm not about to give up! I just don't like the struggle.
  • grau62000ameze
    Sounds like my story as well.
    Am 5 7" weighin 220lbs&i do 1580 cal daily.buh I get so tired that I fail to continue
    The zeal is there to workout but I dread d aftermath of it which keeps me tired&not useful for the next 24hrs
    Can anyone recommend a doctor(gynae or gp)that can look into mine
    Am not loosing weight
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Opening your diary may help us get a little more info to be able to assist you further.

    My mother had gastric bypass and has gained most of hers back (they also messed hers up so it didn't stay closed like it was supposed to and they won't redo it because it's too risky) so I can understand that fear!
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    On the flip side, I have tighten up quite a bit, my clothes fit a lot better and I feel great!

    This is all you need!
  • ltowne
    ltowne Posts: 129 Member
    First of all CONGRATULATIONS on your surgery and keeping the weight off for the past seven years! What an accomplishment!!! Life throws us lots of curves and we must learn how to alter and adjust. It soulds like you might need to change things up a little bit. Different types of workouts and possibly alterning your calorie intake.If you haven't been logging your food, then this might be the opportunity you need to see it written down and then analyze where you want to make changes. You have come so far...stay on track and you will be successful! Free free to add me as a friend and I will support you along the way! Best of luck.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    The first thing to do when counting calories and exercise doesn't work is to determine what your daily caloric requirements are. Check out this:

    And this:

    to make you sure you are adequately fueling your body. If you are supplying your body with adequate calories, check your macros (refer to previous links). Make adjustments if necessary. (An open diary, as suggested by previous posters) may lend to suggestions for improved weight loss.)

    If you find you have been doing that stuff right and still no weight loss, a visit to your doctor my be in order.
  • markround
    keep the faith you just need to be honest and track everything it will come off just be vigilant look at your weekly and balance it that works for me but above all be honest you can do it and I wish you all the luck
  • jensterk
    jensterk Posts: 19 Member
    I read a study once that basically found that people who were previously obese, needed to consume considerable fewer calories to maintain a lower weight. Than, per say, someone who only lost a few pounds to get to that low weight. So a smaller person person my need to consume 1600 calories, but a previously obese person will need to consume much 1200. You might want to speak with your nutritionist. Good Luck!