C25K Week 5 - Holy crap!



  • maieranne77
    maieranne77 Posts: 191 Member
    Week 5 was always the HOLY **** week!! As the previous poster wrote it's all mental from here. :) YOu can do it!!!!!!
  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member
    Just adding my two cents worth. I freaked out on week five too and like a previous poster said, I cried tears of joy when I was done. A month later I was laughing about myself being so scared of it! Everyone focuses on the physical aspect of running and until you actually DO it, most don't realize what a mental game it really is!

    Great job getting this far-don't fear it-TAKE IT ON! YOU GOT THIS!
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    finished it before, but am redoing with a friend and day 3 in week 5 is today for us! looking forward to it :D

    it will sound scary, but you will be able to make it and you will be sooo happy you did.. just take one step at a time if you start feeling this is too much ;)
  • enewsome2
    enewsome2 Posts: 355 Member
    Omg, this post is right on time for me. I was supposed to do w5 d3 yesterday, but have put it off for today. I'm so nervous as well! But, I'm also excited. I hope that I can do this tonight. I have never been what I would consider a "runner" before and I think that running for the 20 min will mentally prepare me to actually feel like I am.

    We can do this!
  • reachingforthemoon
    Why did I read this?? I've started today and although I did it, and felt great, I am doubting my ability. I'm not giving up, i'm just glad it has been said that you can repeat weeks.

    Good Luck and remember "If you keep on doing what you are doing you will always get the same result, only you can change you"
  • SaraBrown12
    SaraBrown12 Posts: 277 Member
    I have done this prog app, It really works. Try not to stress about how long you have to run, don't think about it. Put your tunes on blasting and set off, Try breath singing along to the songs as this helped me regulate my breathing (i was a smoker at time) 4 songs had gone by and then the gong chimed and my 20 mins was over. Rome wasn't built in a day so don't worry if you need to repeat weeks. Feel free to add me. Good luck all, You CAN do this xxx
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    I thought the same thing! It is amazing how the c25k program works. I am on week 7, day 2. It is both physical and mental for me. :smile:
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    At W5D3 it is all mental at that point. Yeah you run for 20 minutes straight, but that is only 4 minutes more running that you have done the week prior. And believe it or not, the walking breaks you did up to that point has prepared you for this. W5D3 is a mental challenge more than it is physical. Do not be afraid of it, you might suprise yourself. Go into it with the mind set that you can do this and you will. No doubt W1D1 looked just as bad as W5D3 when you first started, and looking back now you probably are thinking, "I can't believe I thought that was hard." Same thing here.
  • minsch
    minsch Posts: 144 Member
    I did the 20 minutes no problem.....but thought the same as you. I kept telling myself that whoever wrote the program knows what they are doing and that I guess my body can do it even if my brain says no. I have not stayed faithful to the program and I have not gone past week 5. Every couple of weeks I do one out of week 5 just to keep going.....but I never pick the 20 min one! LOL You can do it!
  • ozigal
    ozigal Posts: 173 Member
    I have just finished my Week 5, Day 3 - 20 minute run. I went SLOW... really slow! In fact it was the 2nd slowest pace I have ever run. My focus was on getting the time done and not on setting any records. I didnt push myself at all.

    Had someone told me a few weeks ago that I could run for 20 minutes, I would have laughed at them!!
  • Emmabulliemum
    Emmabulliemum Posts: 294 Member
    I was due to do run 2 of week 5 last week but I have pulled the ligament in my knee :grumble: so had to stop running.:sad:

    Good luck with it all you'll be fine I'm sure. I can't wait to get back to it
  • Rotten_Apple
    Rotten_Apple Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks to all of you for your replies! It really helps me mentally to know other people were scared but they succeeded. The runs def do get easier each time - I literally was out of breath panting like a dog on week 1, you know, the 1 minute jogs :embarassed: But my stamina has increased so much, I can talk and sing during the 5 minute runs now. I can do this!
  • Philllbis
    Philllbis Posts: 801 Member
    You can definitley do it. As everyone has stated, the longer runs are more of a mental challenge than physical. The way I approached it was I thought of it as 2 ten minute runs. You've run 10 minutes with no problem, right? At the halfway point I told myself, oh, this is just another 10 minute run, no problem.

    Stick with it and you'll be surprised how hard you can push your body. I now think of a 20 minute run as an easy day, lol.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I'm on week 2 day 2 I'm going to pretend i didn't read any of this.
  • Wende3
    Wende3 Posts: 41
    I did week five last week. I was freaked out too but I made it the 20 minutes, just about puked but I made it! I tried to focus on each song and not look at the time on the treadmill.
  • Seaglass1123
    Seaglass1123 Posts: 500 Member
    You can do it!!!

    When I first started running I did C25K and I remember being so freaked out by that 20 minutes! I did it and I CRIED I was so overwhelmed and excited! Just go slow and you'll get it done!

    This!! I actually stretched out the program a bit because I was so nervous about that long run. Once I did it I felt such a sense of accomplishment. Don't stress it. You got this!!! :smile:
  • lesspaul
    lesspaul Posts: 190 Member
    C25K Week 5 Day 3 -- even years after you complete the program, this is the run you will always remember. If you have gotten this far you will be ready. Slow and steady!
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Don't look ahead, just do each run and don't fret about the next one. I did it was year and did the 20 mins straight (at the end of which I may have done a little dance). If you can't do it, just try again! There is no rush to get through it, C25K DOES work, I struggled with the 1min run to start with, but can do 30 mins no problems now.
    Good luck all
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Thanks to all of you for your replies! It really helps me mentally to know other people were scared but they succeeded. The runs def do get easier each time - I literally was out of breath panting like a dog on week 1, you know, the 1 minute jogs :embarassed: But my stamina has increased so much, I can talk and sing during the 5 minute runs now. I can do this!

    You definitely can do it!!! After week 5 day 2 you have already run for 16 minutes, just not at one time. Once you get past that mental hurdle of running that long continuously you'll wonder why you were ever worried. I'm in week 8 and I look forward to going out and running each time. I actually prefer the continuous runs now vs. the walk breaks.
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    Don't be scared, just take it slow. Your body has prepared for this and you are ready. Also, if for some reason you don't quite make it through, don't beat yourself up. Just repeat the run or repeat the week. It took me two tries to get through it the first time I did c25k. For me, it was adding music to listen to that made all the difference. That tells me it was mental and not physical. Now I wouldn't think twice about it! You've got this!