Starting my journey

Hi! I'm Anna, 24 years old and READY to lose weight. I currently live in Tempe, Arizona. Anyone else on here live in/near Phoenix? Would love to find a workout partner to lose weight with and motivate!! :)

In the last few years I've gained around 40 pounds. I don't feel like myself anymore and I know I need to lose the weight. I would like to lose around 50 pounds. I know this journey is going to be difficult, but I know I need to lose the weight now. It's now or never...

Alright..thanks for listening everyone! :):)


  • littlewolf3785
    littlewolf3785 Posts: 2,592 Member
    I am 33, and started my Journey in February. I have lost 10 lbs so far and have a little ways to go. I already am starting to feel better not just about myself but my whole take through it all. Feel free to add me and we all can do this together!
  • Ginny2bskinny
    Hi! I restarted my journey in March. I use MFP on my iPhone to track during the day. I started the Atkins diet about 5 weeks ago and feeling so much better. I have more energy and my cravings for carbs have subsided. I have about 50 lbs to lose and it will be a long journey; however, I'm determined!
    Welcome to everyone who is also starting this healthy journey! I call this my "life extension plan" to be around to watch my grandchildren grow up. I live in Ohio.
  • Claairey1992
    Claairey1992 Posts: 90 Member
    Hey :)
    I started my journey on Monday 8th April so woohoo one week anniversary ad I've lost 4 pounds so far. I know the first stretch of the journey is the hardest but I just want to tell you that it is so worth it (even after my first week I can say that lol). I'm wanting to lose about 60lbs so I feel your pain. Please anyone feel free to add me - I also have MFP on my iPhone and I go on it as often as I can and I'm willing to support anyone who needs it :) all the best on your journey x
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    Congratulations on the decision to lose the weight. Here are a few suggestions:

    - You didn't gain the weight in 6 months, it will take longer than that to lose the weight.
    - Stay with it!!! You have gained enough weight that you are in for a life-long challenge. If you lose 40 pounds, and go back to your old behaviors, you will gain back 50.
    - Learn from others. Others have been where you are, have fought their battles, and learned their lessons the hard way. Use their knowledge.
    - Don't quit!!! Showing up is 95% of the battle. If you stick with it, you will be successful.
    - Learn to love exercise. You need to burn more calories than you take in. It is really that simple.
    - Make a lifestyle change. As I said, you are in for a life-long challenge.
    - If you didn't catch it: DON'T GIVE UP!!!!
  • Ginny2bskinny
    Congratulations for making a wise decision to get on the path to health! I was thinking the same thing this morning while out walking my dog that it's "now or never!" I've slugged around too long and now it's about taking back my health and well being!
    I'm with you on the 50 lb mountain to climb, so it's one step at a time! We can do this!