Calories in Skin-On Chicken Breast with Skin Removed?

Where I work they have oven baked chicken seasoned with flour and spices. If I peel off the skin of the chicken breast, will the calorie count be the same as a skinless breast, or at least close? Or since its cooked with skin on, does it retain extra calories from fat or something?

It's just convenient to take the chicken home and use it in salads/sandwiches/tacos since it is pretty much free haha but if it is costing me a ton of calories and hindering my diet, I guess I could buy and cook my own.


  • I could almost guarantee that it's insignificant, since the skin is thick enough to keep toppings from seeping through and adding much. So I say it's fine to just take the skin off :) But I can't say for sure! Just my thought