Join me to get shredded by summer!!

On a quest to NOT cover up on the beach this summer! I was hoping to get some motivation and support from fellow MFPers who are also looking to get shredded by summer! We'll begin by posting our starting weights, goal weights, workouts we're doing and what works for us. It would be helpful to have weekly check-ins too to make sure we're all on track every week. That warm weather is approaching so I want to get started asap!! Who wants to join me?!


  • luv86elle
    luv86elle Posts: 68 Member
    I'll join! :)
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I'll join, too.
  • Schmidt722
    Schmidt722 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm in!
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    Hmm, I think I am way too far off for shredded. Working on it, actively, I should have lost another 60 by the end of August, or well, here is hoping anyways. Perhaps by next summer, I'll have an actual Beachbody and not this Donut Shoppe form I have now. So summer 2014?
  • snwills32
    snwills32 Posts: 15
    I would love to! I just started P90X in hopes for a smokin' body for my trip to Punta Cana in August. ;)