Hi folks!

Just popping in to say hi and introduce myself. I'm Amber, I'm 32 years old and have been fighting my weight my whole life. I was an average size child until age 8 or 9, and since that time I've always been heavy. Most of my family is anywhere from moderately overweight to very, very obese, so I know genetics aren't too nice to me. I also have PCOS. That said though, I refuse to allow those things to determine my weight-fate. I know that I can control this, I just have to DO IT. And that's why I'm here. I'm looking forward to meeting new people to share the journey!


  • ash15nicole
    ash15nicole Posts: 131
    welcome! good luck to you! YOU CAN DO IT! dont get discouraged!! this site is sooo helpful! :)
  • saram21
    saram21 Posts: 88
    Welcome to MFP!!! :happy: