Long Story Short...

....I have tried something similar to MyFitnessPal before. It didn't work, just like everything else I've tried. My problem is finding the drive to do what I need to do and having the restraint to stop eating. I joined tonight because I ate until I made myself nearly sick and for what? To feel disgusted with myself? To hate myself even more? Before you even say it, I know I need to love myself. But I honestly don't know how. It's destroying me, it's destroying my relationship, and I'm sick of it. I've given myself this speech a hundred times - more, I'm sure. I've been dieting - or attempting to - since I was seven years old. Constantly hating myself for my weight. It needs to change and I need a lot of help. I was hoping to find that here. I want to stop feeling ashamed of myself, stop feeling so unhealthy, stop finding it so difficult to just walk up a flight of stairs. I need tough love and I need people who will push me and not give up. If you think you can help, please feel free to friend request me and I'll try my best to show you support every step of the way, too.

Thank you,


  • LillyBoots
    LillyBoots Posts: 114 Member
    You are 22. If you start now you can have the whole of your adult life as a slim person!
  • ravishingrebecca
    Yeah, the problem is starting and sticking to it with me, though. I definitely want it to work out that way!
  • beckslite
    beckslite Posts: 125 Member
    It's probably best to take one day at a time. Maybe small goals at a time would be best for you. We are all on here because we are all struggling. I've been overweight since early teens, and its gone up and down ever since. Sticking to a diet has been the hardest part for me. It makes me feel excluded at times. So slowly, at my own pace I've started to make changes in my life. I've found out that too much too soon doesn't work for me. I've been doing mfp now for over a week and love it so far. Counting calories. Love this much more than any other diet I've done before, and I've done a fair few.

    Good luck hun, you've taken the first step and your on here

    Becks :happy:
  • Textmessage
    Textmessage Posts: 387 Member
    Yeah, the problem is starting and sticking to it with me, though. I definitely want it to work out that way!

    What's the problem? Do you not want to change badly enough?
  • ravishingrebecca
    Becks - Thank you for the welcome and the advice. I think it seems like a good way for me to approach things, since I do have such a problem sticking to it.

    Textmessage - No, it's not that. If I didn't want the change, I wouldn't be here and I wouldn't have been trying different things for almost fifteen years. I want to change, very badly. I'm just not very good at it. I get discouraged very easily.
  • brit_ks_89
    brit_ks_89 Posts: 433 Member
    BEFORE I STARTED, I WAS REALLY SUICIDAL, DEPRESSED, ANGRY AND ALL THE ABOVE BUT I LEARN SOMETHING ALONG THE WAY - i am worth it, i am beautiful, i am worth every single effort to fight for my health.

    i lost my mom in july - she was young (45), spent the last 2 years or her life dying - drinking every night, laying on the couch, she was depressed and suicidal , angry and just didn't care about life, after her death that is when my depression really hit hard. every day i was waiting for a way to die or crawl out of this mess, i got to 307.2lbs and i was just ready to die and something told me, - NO, YOU GET UP AND YOU LOSE WEIGHT AND YOU FIGHT FOR YOU LIFE! YOU ARE WORTH THE BATTLE, YOU ARE WORTH THE EFFORT, YOU ARE WORTH THE SWEAT, TEARS AND CRYS IN THE GYM!" its been 6 1/2 months and i am 68 lbs down , i got 90 more to go!!!!!

    honey, i am doing! AND YOU CAN TOO!!!! YOU ARE WORTH IT BABE, YOU REALLY ARE!!!!
  • ravishingrebecca
    Thank you, Brit. And thank you for sharing your story. I am sorry about your mother. You should definitely be proud of yourself, though. I really admire your strength.