
Hi, I am a single mum of 6, I weigh 334lb, any friendly, non critical supporters welcomed. My life is not easy, I do what I can when I can. Any support would be much appreciated, in any form.


  • marcelle65
    marcelle65 Posts: 12 Member
    hi there back, my highest weight wasnt much different from you weight, i have been up and down all my life,

    what you may need to do to help, seen as you have kids at home, is limit them with fattening things as can be a temptation for you too, do any of you children have weight issues, my eldest is 30 and unfortunatly got my genes, and looks like my 8 yr old has drawn that short straw too, his dad was only 147lbs and poor thing has to take after me, and my eating habbits have helped the whole family, me and my partner simon, are dieting together....... good luck i know how hard it is with a family and all the temptations around xmx
  • melharper1976
    melharper1976 Posts: 17 Member
    My eldest is anorexic, my youngest son was overweight but he lost it when i left his father, he let him eat 3+ bags of crisps a day!! my 10 yr old is overweight, struggling getting him to lose, cutting down, but he gets hungry, waiting for a dietician referral. I don't keep snacks in the house, I get them for a saturday night treat, we are on pasta, rice, chicken, yogurts and fruit.
  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    you can go ahead and add me im a pretty posative person :)