The more I lose, the harder it's getting to shift the pounds

Kirst30 Posts: 27
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Having lost over 2 stone, and with my goal 10 stone (140 pounds) I have about 6 pounds to go to achieve my ideal weight. The weight seemed to drop off *fairly* easily at the beginning, but I feel I have been around the 146-148 pounds mark for a good few weeks now.

I exercise for an hour, about 4/5 times a week and so have improved my fitness levels massively. But does anyone have any tips for shifting that LAST bit of weight, which seems to be proving quite tricky? Any particularly good foods etc.?

Thanks folks! xxx


  • Oh congrats on the weight loss so far! I found that, I lost over a stone leading up to March, then it got hard and I started to slack and put it on again, hence why I joined this!

    Are you measuring youself? If you are working out you'll be building muscle, which is heavier than fat, so your weight will stay the same! If so, Id try spicy foods or grapefruits, or any other foods that speed up your metabolism!

    Kim xx
  • SimonLondon
    SimonLondon Posts: 350
    Your body will fight like mad to keep that weight on as it beleives it may need it and it is very comfortable with it.

    My last 10lbs have been very slow but I have to mix up everything all the time to keep my body guessing. I raise and lower my calorie intake daily (1700 one day, 1500 the next, 16oo the next and so on). I also change my excercise routine constantly so my body can never get used to a certain excercise.
  • MrsSmith2010
    MrsSmith2010 Posts: 225 Member
    Congrats on your loss! I'd recommend adding more fiber to your diet and also what kim said, spicy foods to boost metabolism. Also, if you've been doing the same kind of workout all this time, try something new. If you run and do yoga, try kickboxing and bike riding. Just work different muscles and ask for effort from different areas of your body. This tends to work when you get to plateaus because it's like a jolt of fuel to get going again. Best of luck to you!
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    Check out this info posted to -- particularly #5 - The End Game

    Are you weight lifting at all?
  • jvjlpenn
    jvjlpenn Posts: 14
    Thank you so much for that link! It was very helpful to me! As I am in phase 5 and get so frustrated on a regular basis.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    When I started I was about 35% bodyfat, so at 270 I was carrying close to 100 pounds of lard. To lose 10 pounds, I had to lose 10% of my excess. My body didn't care, and it was easy.

    Today I'm about 13% bodyfat, so I'm carrying something a little under 30 pounds. To lose another 10, I have to lose 1/3rd (:noway: :frown: :huh: ) of my excess weight. My bod is fighting this tooth and nail. Your metab does not like to be 6 meals away from serious trouble,,,

    It's tough, but you can do it. I'm chipping away at it slowly.
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