Anyone else with an under active thyroid?

Do you think it affects your weight loss? Got any tips for someone else with an under active thyroid?



  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I don't think it's affecting me but I'm on synthesis for it. My tip is to get treatment.
  • shorthand73
    shorthand73 Posts: 118 Member
    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism at age 3. The only time it has ever been an issue is when some Dr. decided to mess around with my meds -- and that affected EVERYTHING (hair, skin, sleep, concentration, etc.) - not just weight loss! My only suggestion/tip would be to find a great doctor that will monitor your levels regularly and will treat accordingly. Then, be sure that you are taking your medication religiously and precisely as prescribed. My experience has been that if it is treated properly, having an under-active thyroid isn't much of an issue at all.
  • AmyW125
    AmyW125 Posts: 303 Member
    YES!!!! I'm a mess! Looking for a new Dr.
  • lauranell79
    lauranell79 Posts: 31 Member
    Yep.... been on medication for years and have finally found a dose that works. I have learned you can't take it with calcium and prenantal vitamins. Best thing to do is take it by itself and about 15 -30 min before you eat. Crazy how that one little pill can be effected by so much! And I agree with shorthand73 find a great doctor that keeps a check on it regularly! It is something that can be annoying but also can be managed :)
  • Dianescraps
    There is a group of people with thyroid issues here, you definitely want to check it out.

    And yes, I understand that it does, as well as many other issues I have dealt with.
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    My thyroid condition doesn't affect my ability to lose weight. I'm properly medicated and I'm physically active for about an hour each day.
  • kitchen0nfire
    kitchen0nfire Posts: 22 Member
    I had a total thyroidectomy 2 years ago at 18 years old due to an under active thyroid with growing nodules. I've never had any weight issue because of this, before or after the surgery. My doctor even assured me that an under active thyroid does not cause you to gain weight, it's the symptoms (low energy, tired, excessive eating, etc...) that may cause a person to gain weight. If your meds are in check, you should be fine.

    I didn't have insurance for the past year and was on an incorrect dosage apparently, but it only messed with my blood pressure. HOWEVER, I did leave my meds for two days that i was away from home and I gained 8 lbs that week... So just take your meds regularly as prescribed!
  • sarcosis1
    sarcosis1 Posts: 42
    I'm on medication for an under active thyroid and I've lost over 70lbs and I'm still losing. Before I knew I had a problem with my thyroid, I struggled with my weight for years and I couldn't lose a thing, I just kept gaining. It is important for it to be diagnosed and treated.
  • MadMacMom0309
    MadMacMom0309 Posts: 21 Member
    I was diagnosed at age 36. I have a very hard time with weight, especially after my last pregnancy, even though I am taking meds. Recently I starting gaining weight rather rapidly despite eating right and exercising about 60 minutes per day. My doctor changed me to Synthroid from the generic levothyroxine (at my request because I seem to do better on the brand name) and they upped my dosage. I just started with this so I am hoping that the weight will start coming off again. Other things I have been told are to take the medicine, with water, in the morning at least 30 minutes before eating and not to take my multivitamin until at least 4 hours after, because iron can affect absorption.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    Yes, there are a lot of us here on MFP. :smile: Don't let it discourage you, though. Like others have said, make sure you get it regulated, that will help get you going with losing the weight. Here's a link to the group if you'd like to check it out:

    I was diagnosed 3 years ago. I lost some weight within the year that followed, then stopped the workouts and my weight went back up. Not all the way back, but I regained 15-20 lbs of the 40 I had lost. I started here on MFP last January (2012), started working out regularly in April, and had reached my goal by mid-August. I've maintained since then.

    You can do it too!
  • treenuh_x
    treenuh_x Posts: 94 Member
    I have hypothyroidism and it was terribly hard for me to lose weight until I got on medication for it. I highly suggest visiting a doctor, getting your thyroid levels re-tested, and getting on a synthetic thyroid hormone.
  • TXBelle1174
    TXBelle1174 Posts: 615 Member
    Yes! I have HypoT and Hashimoto's and it is damn near impossible for me to lose weight. You should check out the Hypothyroidism board. There is a lot of great info and support there.
  • jessilyn76
    jessilyn76 Posts: 532 Member
    If you have enough of a thyroid issue for it to effect your weight (either way losing or gaining), then you should see a doctor. Thyroid cancer 2007.....plenty of experience with both!
  • FaithVanessa1987
    FaithVanessa1987 Posts: 11 Member
    I have an under active thyroid as well. I have a hard time loosing weight even with medication. But I have been diagnosed with PCOS on top of it, so that puts another bump in my road. I am determined to loose weight so having an under active thyroid and PCOS is not going to stop me.
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    YES! A year ago, I was so sick I could barely make it up the stairs. My girls knew not to ask me to do anything after 2 or 3 p.m. because I had no energy. I kept being told my labs were "fine," but I felt just awful. I finally took my health into my own hands and found a doc via These are docs who treat you according to your SYMPTOMS, not your labs. It's been night and day and taken a long time to get back, but my weight and my energy are finally starting to really respond. Good luck to you! :drinker:
  • JT219
    JT219 Posts: 19
    yes, me too. i was diagnosed when i was pregnant 8 years ago. the doc keeps up'ing my meds. i'm having a hard time losing weight even though i'm watching everything i eat and stick to 1200 calories or below. hypothyrodism must be handled with medication for the rest of your life. good luck!!
  • Twisted_sista
    Twisted_sista Posts: 127 Member
    Yeah I'm on meds but just cannot seem to get the levels right. Can just be a bit frustrating at times.
    I have an iron deficiency as well. I just lack energy and really want to know if there could be something else going on or if it just because I'm lazy lol. I know I need to exercise more but it is hard when you have no energy
  • pili90
    pili90 Posts: 302 Member
    In january I found out I had a serious thyroid problem... Mine works as if it wasn't even there, and its a long way to make things right. After years of strugling with all kinds of problems, weight too, I ffinally know why. My doctor says that eating seafood and fish is important, to be honest I'm not sure I understood why. But hey, fish is great so I can't really complain about that.

    But I think the most important thing is seeing a doctor and controling it often.
  • ibashooor
    Yeah it was affecting my progress in losing weight ,i went to a dr and gave a treatment for me it is permanent treatment
  • hegster23
    hegster23 Posts: 36 Member
    Like many others said, make sure to see the doc and get treatment for it to keep it in check. Make sure you don't take the meds right before you eat or with any vitamins, etc. as they can affect it. (Eg: I take my levothyroxin in the morning, then vitamins, etc. with dinner.)

    As for the affecting weight loss, I'm just starting to try to lose now, so I was also curious about it. My thyroid problems (coupled with a sedentary job) are the reason why I gained.

    Good luck to you!