Workouts are best when..

The best workouts are done with friends. First, there is that one friend who pushes you to excell and to keep pushing. They wont let you fall behind and are truely concerned about your health. Second, it just makes it funner to workout with friends. My wife and I workout with a group of friends, making it a small group of 5 total. Being the close knit group that we are, we are always smiling, laughing, and pushing each other. And yes, being me, I can't help but cut up and flirt with our lady friends. Don't get me wrong, there is no goofing off or just sitting on mahcines talking. Its just a good time with good friends helping each other to gave gooder lives!



  • Interesting to see how different people are. I would have to say workouts are best done alone!!! I love to record my favorite shows, get on the treadmill and fast forward through the commercials!! Time goes so fast, I am done and sometimes walk for 20-30 minutes more just to see the end of a show.
  • I work out alone, but do some classes with the same people weekly and also belong to a great support group of close friends on Facebook! All are great motvating factors in different ways!
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    You just do them!
  • I worked out alone for years. Pretty self motivated. But, workingout with friends just makes if funner.
  • terri0527
    terri0527 Posts: 678 Member
    Done alone and working out frustrations...:bigsmile:
    I can really burn some calories then. LOL
  • LZW212
    LZW212 Posts: 286 Member
    I'm telling myself pain is only weakness leaving the body.
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    For me, workouts are best when I am prepared & know exactly what I will be doing, the weights I'll be lifting, etc. Not being prepared is a recipe for disaster & no results.

    I enjoy exercise classes sometimes but I prefer my weight training to be alone. I have no problem pushing myself to the next level.

    When I tried working out (weight training) with a friend it made the working over twice as long. We had fun but I'd rather get my workout done & see friends later.
  • Bit weird but, my workouts are best when I'm angry. I have been really annoyed today and I got to the gym and totally sweated it out and had an awesome workout. It calms me down and gets all of my anger out!