...and I hate that I binge.I want to stop,but I really just can't.I have this addiction for Nestle Fitness Cereals and the thing is that I eat them without milk and that's why I eat so much and I know that's the problem(well I eat them also with milk at breakfast but most of them are eaten simple,no milk added.Hoe can I stop this?Should I stop eating cereals for ever?(that sounds so dramatic :-( ) I really don't know...I want to lose like 13 kgs(aprox. 30 lbs) untill July 1st and sweets(not only cereals) and sometimes even fries or pizza are standing in my way.I reallt want to reach the goal.Pleaseee HELP ME!


  • sgoldman328
    sgoldman328 Posts: 379 Member
    Try measuring out a portion, instead of just snacking from the box.

    If you feel as if you still can't handle it, try cutting it out for a few weeks until you break your "addiction" of it.

    You shouldn't feel as if you HAVE to cut it our of your diet, though. You're allowed to eat unhealthier options, but you must have them in moderation if you want to reach your goals.

    Good luck!
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Based on the fact that you're having uncontrollable binges, and that your profile picture is of what appears to me to be an unhealthily-slender woman, I conclude it is possible you are not eating enough.

    When you cut calories too severely, you're not going to help yourself with weight loss - - and you're going to leave yourself vulnerable to survival instincts which will compel you to eat when you deprive yourself.

    To find out an appropriate level of food intake which will keep you satisfied (preventing binges) but also enable you to lose weight, please refer to this thread:
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    Based on the fact that you're having uncontrollable binges, and that your profile picture is of what appears to me to be an unhealthily-slender woman, I conclude it is possible you are not eating enough.

    When you cut calories too severely, you're not going to help yourself with weight loss - - and you're going to leave yourself vulnerable to survival instincts which will compel you to eat when you deprive yourself.

    To find out an appropriate level of food intake which will keep you satisfied (preventing binges) but also enable you to lose weight, please refer to this thread:

    Without knowing what your present diet actually is (you are new here and have no records to look at), nor how many calories you're burning, no one can give you any sound advice except that you can only help yourself here. Knowledge is power.
  • cc141
    cc141 Posts: 55 Member
    I used to binge all the time. Since I've started MFP (it's been like 40 days) I haven't binged once. I realized that when I used to try to eat healthier/lose weight I would try to deprive myself of the things I really liked (dessert, bread, coffee). This would last like two days and then I'd just want it more, so I'd binge, and then I'd keep eating because I was upset that I messed up. Now I just eat what I want but everything in moderation and it's made a huge difference. I never say I can't have something because it makes it worse.
    So with your cereal- I would just measure out whatever the serving size is or whatever you can fit into your calorie goal and put the box away.
  • djtessatessa
    djtessatessa Posts: 54 Member
    As soon as I buy cereal, or anything that I might potentially binge on, I portion it out into the proper serving size - each into their own little ziploc 1 cup storage things.

    That way I can easily take just one when I'm feeling like snacking. I'm pretty terrible for leaving the cupboard door with my snacks in it and constantly going over to the tipped over box to dip my hand in. Just have to walk away and distract myself with something else.
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    I, too, have a problem with binge eating. I've found a couple of ways to stop a binge that sometimes work, and an overall thing that is helping me a lot.

    To stop a binge:

    Do SOMETHING positive toward your weight loss journey the instant you can wrap your brain around the idea. Perhaps that is getting in a good workout--especially one that stretches you. Perhaps it is eating something so completely totally healthy that you would never choose to eat if you weren't "being good." Perhaps it is doing something fun that will remind you how much you want to be in shape (dance, hike, whatever is fun for you). Perhaps it is locking yourself in a room without food and listening to whatever music gives you the most joy until your mood is raised. Have a list of these things so you can cycle through them if need be!

    Overall thing:

    I've discovered that ALL my binging takes place with processed foods, especially carbs (sweets and/or starches). So, although it took time and is still rather inconvenient, I have largely eliminated them from my diet. I eat meat, eggs, dairy, fruit and vegetables. I still eat some carbs, because I haven't eliminated potatoes or corn, but I do eat them carefully, and only with meals. I will allow myself a piece of birthday cake at a party or a treat at a special event, but I find that even that tends to set me back a few days because I begin to have those cravings again. I use no sugar in anything and avoid foods with added sugar. The natural sugar in fruit and dairy is just there and I allow myself as much of those things as I want (within my goals), and I find weight lost has become much easier as a result. (Your mileage may vary!)
  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    Based on the fact that you're having uncontrollable binges, and that your profile picture is of what appears to me to be an unhealthily-slender woman, I conclude it is possible you are not eating enough.

    When you cut calories too severely, you're not going to help yourself with weight loss - - and you're going to leave yourself vulnerable to survival instincts which will compel you to eat when you deprive yourself.

    To find out an appropriate level of food intake which will keep you satisfied (preventing binges) but also enable you to lose weight, please refer to this thread:

    ^^ This... AND you want to LOSE 30 pounds by 1 July?! I'm no doctor, but I would advise you meet with a professional regarding your diet and general health... (If that is you in your avatar, though it looks like Alessandra Ambrosio the VS model)

    Your diary is closed and you haven't provided any information about how much you are eating, current stats, etc.
  • EatPrayLove02
    Thank you everybody for taking time to respond to this topic.I really really REALLY apreciate this and i will definetly listen tou your advices.They really are helpful :) Thanks again and sorry for my bad english( it's not my native language)
  • Holdenke1
    Holdenke1 Posts: 137 Member
    ...and I hate that I binge.I want to stop,but I really just can't.I have this addiction for Nestle Fitness Cereals and the thing is that I eat them without milk and that's why I eat so much and I know that's the problem(well I eat them also with milk at breakfast but most of them are eaten simple,no milk added.Hoe can I stop this?Should I stop eating cereals for ever?(that sounds so dramatic :-( ) I really don't know...I want to lose like 13 kgs(aprox. 30 lbs) untill July 1st and sweets(not only cereals) and sometimes even fries or pizza are standing in my way.I reallt want to reach the goal.Pleaseee HELP ME!

    I hope this profile picture isn't really you, because this girl looks like she needs to gain at least 15 lbs. When I was a young girl, I was on the verge of anorexia and I used to binge too. If this is you, please get some help. Reach out to someone who can help. I can remember people telling me that I was just too skinny and I thought they were jealous. My boyfriend challenged me to lose weight and I didn't think he'd like me if I didn't do it. Worse decision I ever made. Took years to overcome.
  • cbkb1234
    cbkb1234 Posts: 94 Member
    Id say the best thing is to just get out of the house or take a nap… thats the easiest and BEST method
  • TinaBean007
    TinaBean007 Posts: 273 Member
    I think you're taking the right steps. Analyze your behavior. Everyone is different. You'll have to figure out if you're binging for emotional reasons, cravings, trigger food, boredom, convenience, etc. Then you can better assess how to handle it. I agree that a balance diet with enough veg, protein, fiber and nutrients will help as well.
  • azzkikin
    azzkikin Posts: 458 Member
    Sorry, I came in here thinking you were Microsoft Binging and could not stop. My bad, carry on.
  • keepitcroosh
    keepitcroosh Posts: 301 Member
    Dont eat cereal at all. Opt for plain oatmeal (season with cinnamon & blueberries or other fruit) , eggs & sweet potato hashbrowns, homemade breakfast sandwhich , plain greek yogurt ( add a hint of vanilla extract & 1 or 2 packs of sweetener) with a little honey, nuts and dried fruit (or fresh) , whole wheat pancake or banana pancake topped with fresh fruit etc.

    The list is endless. You just really need to look. Make a list of real foods and stick to it. Chicken, tuna, lettuce, avocado, brocolli, carrots, eggs, whole wheat bread ( weight watchers has good ones 100cals for 2 slices!), salsa, spices (Mrs Dash has no salt!!) , fresh herbs, olive oil, balsamic vinagrette, onion, cucumber, tomato, fish like tilapia, mahi mahi, shrimp and more, celery, cauliflower. etccccc.

    There is ALOT of options. Have stir fries, have cauliflower (magical veg i tell ya) pizza, cauliflower 'fried rice' one of my favvves, mashed cauliflower, have healthy burittos ( whole wheat pita, seasoned cooked chicken, fresh cut cilantro, salsa, etc!) , fish tacos!, greek salads , list goes on.

    You can do it. Surround yourself with only healthy foods. And PREP everything as much as possible. I prep my lunches for the week, and so i do not think about it! I just have it ready and i put it in my bag and go.
  • EatPrayLove02
    Fot those who are asking If I'm the girl in the picture :No ,I'm not.I'm not crazy.That picture is some kind of inspiration because I don;t want to become really that thin,but I was on tumblr and this picture came and I liked it because ..I don;t know's inspiring for me :)It reminds me of my goal :D

    My goal isn't exacly 13 kg(30 lbs) untill July 1st.I will stop losing fat(because that's my goal :losing fat,not weight) when I will see that I look toned .I don;t care about the hip bones,the thigh gap or whatever.Honestly,I'd be happy if i'd lose even half .I think that would be a great progress because I was never motivated enough :)

    Also,the date is aproximate.It could be august,september but I know (I don;t if this works for other people,but for me it does) that if my 'deadline' is too 'far away' I won't stick with the workouts and healthy eating. I will think something like : Oh,I can cheat today ,I don't have to do my workout I have enought time.

    Thanks again for the replies :D They are really helpful :) .