what a year!!

connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
ok so when I started back in 2008 I was really trying to lose weight and I lost over 40lbs and was very happy even though I still had about 100 more to lose. Back then I started out at 298 well I had a horrible year and I gained everything back and then some. I had to start out 2 weeks ago at 312. What started the whole spiral downhill was that I found out that my husband had cheated on me and here I was trying to lose weight so I look better and feel better and he cheats on me with someone bigger than I am. That sure made me feel horrible. I got to where I didnt care anymore and I just started eating and stopped exercising and everything wrong that I could do. Then I wasnt sleeping. I was exhausted all the time and I would wake up constantly during the night. I thought it was stress. I went to the doctor for something else, I didnt even tell him I wasnt sleeping well because I just thought it was stress. Well he looked at my throat and decided to refer me for a sleep study. Now I have sleep apneia and I have to wear a CPAP every night. The doctors said that even if I lose the weight I may still have sleep apneia because I have a really small throat. Go Figure!! I have been wearing my mask for several months now and I sleep so much better. My husband and I have worked real hard on our marraige now and even though it is really hard to trust him and I still have really hard days we are working through it. He has completely changed over the last year. So here I am again trying this again. My doctor actually put me on Wellbutrin to help with the weight loss although Im sure it will help with my depression although Im not depressed all the time just sometimes. She says that helps with people who have addictions break them and since my addiction is food Im hoping she is right. I have been on it for about a month now and I think it is helping. I dont want to eat just cause Im bored or depressed. I actually eat when I am supposed to except for the breakfast... I really need to start eating breakfast. So in the last 2 weeks I have lost 10 lbs now. Almost below 300 again. Whatever happens again I need to make sure that I dont let it mess up my weight loss because this is my health and I want to be able to keep up with my kids. I hope that you guys will help me and I look forward to talking to all of you guys again.

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