Just bummin' need to vent.



  • Mamalea32
    Mamalea32 Posts: 134
    Sounds like u have worked soo hard and made serious progress. Be proud! I also feel the need to cover my body, but for the opposite reason. I am at a weight that i have always wanted (113) and my husband and mom criticize saying im too thin. Its bullcrap! I think everybody should be proud of whoever they are. Your post just lit a fire in me that made me want to wear whatever i want and if they dont want to see my collarbone or my muscle tone they better close their eyes. And guess what cellulite is hereditary and i have it on my thighs even though i am thin. So i hope you can realize all people no matter their size may feel compelled to cover up for various reasons. Let us just wear what makes us comfy! Take care of you!:flowerforyou:
  • valeriewxy
    valeriewxy Posts: 418 Member
    Like everyone has said, you're doing amazing! :D

    I know if you look at my pics, you won't believe it - but I feel the same sometmes. Of course tha's down to different expectations from society. I'm 5'4", currently about 148lbs, fit into a comfortable UK 10 (US6), and still have local salespeople eye me suspiciously like I'll rip their clothes if I try them on ;)

    I try not to let it get to me though, cos they is mad yo!

    Keep it up! You'll get there sooner than you think!! *cheers*
  • ngressman
    ngressman Posts: 229 Member
    No one needs to respond- but I just need to vent.

    I'm 1 lb away from losing 60 lbs. I started at 294 lbs, and I'm down to 235. Great, right? I try so hard to think that way, but so much is getting in the way of that.

    For example- 235 lbs is still so unhealthy. So heavy, and I still feel so unattractive. Sure, my confidence has increased because I can actually feel bones in my body again, but I'm still just as self conscious as I was 60 lbs ago. At 294 lbs I was pushing a 26. Now I'm can SQUEEZE into a 14, but realistically, I'm a 16. There was a time I would've LOVED to have been a 16. Now, I'm here- and now what? Eh. Whatever. You have this mentality when you're so big that a size 16 is "normal". It's not. (To me anyway. Im not trying to offend anyone.) I dont feel "normal" in a 16. But, the problem is, I havent been below a 14/16 in about 10 years- so I don't know what that's like anymore. When I look in the mirror I still see 294 lbs. When clothes actually fit my body, I refuse to wear them because I'm afraid people will be looking at any rolls that my spanx don't hide.

    There's nothing I can do but to keep chugging along. Stopping won't get me anywhere at this point; I've come to far. But, the journey is emotionally draining some days. Sometimes I see women who are a 16 and they look phenomenal. Meanwhile, three kids later, my stomach and back fat have seemed to have taken permanent residency on my body. I swear, I've lost 60 lbs of fat just off of my face and arms and nothing else. (Ok, maybe my thighs.)

    I don't know if this is normal with this journey or not. But I do know that this journey is taking absolutely all of my willpower, and the more I lose, the more it takes. My mind isn't keeping up with my body.

    *vent complete* Thanks for reading if you did!

    Just don't do what I did- give up. Now I am starting almost all the way over. (Not quite though) I caught myself before I gained it all back. I think it is normal when you have lost so much \, but still have so much to go to feel a little discouraged. Look at your starting pictures. Remember how far you have come. Sixty pounds is an amazing achievement. Don't let yourself forget that. Keep at it. You have done awesome!
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    getting to a 14 is fantastic!! it must feel good at least to be able to shop in more stores
  • Elicur
    Elicur Posts: 78 Member
    Oh dear..
    I could write here for hours, but I just wish I could give you a boost, so just keep your head up high. It gets better ( I was once 230, at age 14 )
  • andrederosier
    andrederosier Posts: 121 Member
    Great going so far. I can relate that you don't see it in mirror. That before/after profile pic is amazing. May I suggest putting up a before and current picture on every mirror to remind you of what a wonderful thing you have accomplished so far.
  • mk_hammer
    mk_hammer Posts: 105
    I TOTALLY get where you're coming from. The other day, one of my MFPals told me something along the lines of "Wow, 70 lbs? You must be so proud!" My first instinct wasn't pride; it was actually shame. I didn't feel proud to have have lost 70 lbs; I felt ashamed that I ever allowed myself to get so big to begin with.

    It's a daily struggle for me. Sometimes I feel proud and accomplished, and other times I feel shame. That's something I'll just have to deal with. The truth is: dwelling on the negative is simply not productive. What's done is done; the past cannot be altered. The future, though, is yet to be determined. Just take it one day at a time. You're on the right track! Give it time, and you'll get where you want to go. :flowerforyou:
  • Jagkat
    Jagkat Posts: 37 Member
    Ugh im the same weight as you also and can't get into non plus size clothes yet either.