
I am approaching 40, and been doing JM30DS since January but have plateaued at about 7 lbs lost. I am more toned, and my cardio is much approved. I asked my doctor why I can't lose anymore weight, keeping in mind that I am counting calories, not carbs. She said that at 40, you need to do less cardio, more weight training. Does anyone have any ideas for how to do this at home? I really do not have time to go to a gym.


  • mikeatmichael
    mikeatmichael Posts: 92 Member
    I don't know how much you would be lifting, but I started out by buying a set of 5lb dumbbells and after a short time getting a pair of 10 lbs and then gradually getting more up to 30lbs. You can also find used weights and benches pretty easily and sometimes even free if you keep your eyes and ears open.

    I like to lift at home because I typically only lift for about half an hour and I want to do it at my convenience.
  • bdburch
    bdburch Posts: 127
    Use your body weight. Get some gallons of water or some cans of food for hand weights. If a gallon of water gets too light, fill is with sand. Fill a backpack with something heavy like books, rocks, or cans.
    I would also look on websites like eBay or Craigslist(if available) and see if anyone is selling cheap weights.
  • Alex541549

    I only joined this site 5 minutes ago as I need some new goals and motivation.

    I have a military career of over 37 years and I am also qualified Personal Trainer and would love to provide you with some tips/advice.

    You need to purchase a set of dumb bells (normally purchased from a fitness store and these can be made up to a couple of different weights.
    Get yourself a swiss ball as this can be used for incline/flat dumb bell curls and dumb bell flies for the chest.

    Put your chest on the ball with weights on the floor and raise the weights so you are in a cross position and then lower (shoulders) You can also sit on the ball and do seated shoulder press.

    Just a couple and hope they help