The New Rules of Lifting for Women



  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    I just go the book too - I am curious how it differs from BodyPump - which I do 3x a week lifting heavy. I love lifting - and I throw a few cardio in too!
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I just ordered this book and started reading it over the last few days. If anything I am more confused now than ever. I joined a gym about a month ago and wanted to start adding in weights/strength. Basically this book says step away from the tredmill. So are we supposed to NOT do cardio? It is basically saying for years we have all done the wrong things and if we do cardio it stops working as soon as we step off the machine. I would think that if we eat sensible and burn a significant amount of calories daily that things should start to happen. I have been going for about 4 weeks and havent lost a pound or an inch so maybe I am doing things wrong. Yes I eat some processed foods, no I am not a big veggie fan but from everything I have learned it is calories in vs calories out so it shoudlnt matter as long as I am sticking to my calories and moving my body! Have any of you read this book and if so what did you take away from it?

    It is calories in vs calories out, but also try to think of it as what are you getting in those calories. Calories that are nutritionally dense and full vitamins and minerals is going to do better for you than say the calories in a Big Mac.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I find it to be overrated, personally, but I will be blasted for saying that here.

    I think the most important type of exercise to do is the one you enjoy doing, and can continue to enjoy doing even when you are not actively trying to lose weight. If you enjoy the treadmill, do that. If you enjoy weights, do those, too.

    I do weights on occasion, but when I do, I gain weight. You can find piles of pictures around here of bulky looking women trying to prove that their weight lifting practices have not made them bulky. If that's the look they want, then good for them. I look at some of their success pictures and think "eww." It's not the look I want, as a matter of opinion/personal preference. So I do just enough lifting to keep me comfortably strong, and no more.

    You can get a good workout from doing bench presses, dead lifts, military presses, and bent over rows. If you want to do more than that, go for it. If you find it is not for you, don't beat yourself up for not being on the bandwagon. There's plenty of room on the road for more of us cardio happy folk. :-)

    Nice, coming from a person with no photos at all.